Sunday, April 5, 2015

Belief is intolerance

     When I became a Christian in October of 1972 I chose to believe the Bible as the Word of God.  I chose to believe that Jesus was who he said he was and is.  I chose to believe that one day I would go to be with him in heaven.  I chose to believe that God had a plan for me.  I chose to believe that miracles can and do happen.  I chose to believe that prayers are answered by God and sometimes through his servants.  I chose to believe that there was and is no other means by which mankind can be saved from their sins and fallen state.  I chose to believe that the Holy Spirit was sent to indwell in each believer at the time of belief.  I chose to believe that adding to or subtracting from these beliefs and the Word of God were a sin against God.  I chose to believe that it was my duty and honor to present Jesus to my children so that they could at an early age believe themselves.  I chose to believe.  That's what I did then and what I do now.  I choose to believe and in that belief cannot and will not diminish the gift God has placed before me.  Because of my belief I am labeled intolerant.  So be it.
     Understanding that my belief is my choice brought about by understanding the Word and believing what it says brought my faith.  The Holy Spirit witnesses with my spirit that Jesus is who he said he is, did what he said he did, and will fulfill what he said he will.  It's within this context that I become intolerant in my belief.  Not that I force my belief upon anyone; because I don't.  I just don't accept other belief systems or ideologies that are not Christian.  Because of my strong beliefs I also have strong opinions (backed by Scripture) about what is going on around me, in other religions and politics to name a few.  There is still right and wrong to be contended with.  Abortion is murder.  God is the only one who gives life and that life begins at conception.  Attempts to bring my belief to align with the world is wrong.  Peer, societal, or even world opinion are not options to consider when the Scripture says boldly what we need to stand for.  Yes, my belief in Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all related things is intolerant.  My belief that you can believe whatever you want is just as important.
     While the world is attempting to gain the upper hand in this spiritual war for my soul, the battle has already been won.  I was dead in sin and now am forever alive in Jesus.  Why would I want to compromise that stand?  Why would anyone want to cheapen their understanding of God by giving up their belief in what Scripture says?  It makes no sense to give up that which no one can take away from believers.  You can take away everything that I have in the world.  You can take away the written Word.  You can take away the worldly rights afforded to me.  You can even take away my life by imprisonment or even death.  You can do all of that or none of that.  You have the right to do what you think best.  You utilized the government and liberal thinking to try and bring me and my belief to that which aligns with yours.  You can and do all of this to millions on a daily basis.  Yet, you have nothing and I have everything.  You, Satan and the world, cannot take away eternal life that I have in Christ.  Because of that understanding, you hate what I represent; Jesus.
     Anything I do that is based on the Bible, Jesus, and belief in both is seen by you as intolerant because that choice doesn't align with your choices.  THAT is not my problem.  My beliefs are steadfast.  My demeanor is consistent.  My choices are indicative of the Holy Spirits conviction in my life.  None of these can you or the world take away from me.  So, I choose to believe and be intolerant of you and the world.  Satan, do you hear me?  World do you hear me?  This is the message preached to you and the world since before the beginning of the world and the beginning of time.  Take a stand.  Make your beliefs made known.  Have the strength through Jesus to do the right thing regardless of what the world tells you to do.  Spend eternity with Jesus knowing you stayed true to your faith.  Be intolerant to the enemy and the worlds service to the enemy.  

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