Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

     Out with the old and in with the new!  At least that's what is said to be true.  Some of the old has been thrown out and the results have been devastating.  Likewise some of the new has brought all kinds of problems to us.  And we go not so quietly into that good night.  Paul laments that there are things he knows he should do and doesn't do as well as things he should not do and yet does them.  The facts don't lie.  He's speaking for all of us.  Even on this first day of a new year we will be making resolutions to do this or to not do that all the while knowing we probably won't last the month in our resolve.  Our world will remain pretty much status quo and the world will soon forget the changes we would like to see.  At least until the next big disaster.
     There have been many positives in the last year.  It's my prayer that they continue for all of us.  One can only live so much of a negative existence before becoming part of the problem or running from the problem.  Some issues are proud statements of our humanity being guided by God who wants positive for all people.  Despite the giving and helping done both in the US and on foreign soil, it wasn't enough.  There is never enough of giving and helping people.  Though there is more than enough of waste in giving and helping those who won't help themselves.  Yes, as Christians we are only asked to take care of the widow and children.  Yes, that is to be without hesitation.  No, that doesn't mean we go where God has told us to not go.  Everyone deserves a great 2015.  What they do to help themselves have a great year is totally up to them even as it's totally up to me.  We choose the blessings of God.  They are not forced upon us by people or by God.
     The division between what God would like to see and what I see are worlds apart at times.  Yet, I need to seek His will for my life and the lives of those who cross my path.  If I cannot take care of myself; how am I to take care of others?  Along the same lines is the balancing act brought to our lives with the giving vs taking posture.  It's clear that we cannot and do not make our world go round.  Our CHOICE to either follow Jesus or self looms above us as we go into this new year.  You and I will make a mark on the world through that which we do not do or that which we do.  Either way we are involved and responsible.  No one wants to but no one is excused.  God has given us the free will to choose right over wrong.  God has given guidance as to what is wrong and what is right.  We need only to ask and that will be made clear in our lives. 
     For this year I pray that God blesses you and that you will in turn bless those around you.  Remember that God is good...all the time.  Happy New Year!

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