Sunday, December 14, 2014


     Really cool word but what does it mean?  More succinctly, what does it mean to you.  Do you wake in the morning in a state of mystification?  When we go through the day and no one knows what we are up to are they in a state of mystification?  It's a cool word and a powerful one in the hands of a trained English major!  That wouldn't be me.  Granted, even I keep myself in a state of mystification.  Why?  Because I don't have language for some of the thoughts in my head or feelings of my heart.  Leaving people mystificated isn't my prime motive.  Being able to remain in this state and having no one bug me about that state is priceless.  No one but God needs to have access to everything in our heads. 
     People both intentionally and non-intentionally bring mystification into our world for a reason.  Sometimes the mystification is positive and encouraging and other times it's negative and discouraging.  Some of the parables Jesus put before the disciples as well as the religious wrong leads us to conclude that in this case of mystification there is positive and discouraged.  The disciples and the followers of Jesus couldn't understand what he was talking or doing for most of his adult life.  That's because he was pointing them to the Cross and the role of he believer in the good news.  The people of Israel were certainly not led to be in a state of mystification by simply not looking forward.  Looking back, yes.  When something is already revealed there is no mystification at all. 
     In our world today there are episodes of mystification where someone or someone's have secrets to keep.  In order to do so they enter into a role where their whole being is wrapped in mystification.  Sometimes there is so much role being played that it's difficult or even impossible to see past the mystification.  Living in the shadows people are able to live and breathe without every revealing who they are and what they are about.  We pretend we can do this but God always knows the whole person.  He made us and told us why and how.  He leads us telling us why and showing how.  He encourages us to go beyond where we are and envision a future with no mystification.  That's because He cares for us and wants us to recognize a blessing when we see one.
     What are we doing to be seen as children of God?  Do people see you or I as a mystery?  Would people know what you believe in, what you stand for, and how far will you go to protect who you are when no one is looking?  That's why we have the birth of Christ, the cross of Christ and the resurrection of Christ.  We can leave the life of mystification and be real with the world who will then see Jesus and follow Him.

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