Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

     It's Christmas Eve and I've so much to do!  Maybe you have much to do as well.  Every year we (you know who I mean) find ourselves in this quandary of too much to do without enough time to do it.  Then there is all the wrapping of gifts, decorating the house inside and out and purchasing and preparing the food of which we will have too much and will eat too much!  Have the Tums ready!  Oh what fun we have...  Okay, I forgot about the Christmas music that began somewhere before Thanksgiving!  I haven't even touched all the community activities, travel, and Christmas cards to be sent out.  I'm feeling a bit overloaded even as I write these words.
     Over the years I have been in jobs where I was required to work on the holidays.  I've also been unable to do some work the holidays require.  I must not forget the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years day we spend in a hotel because the home had a lot of smoke damage and was being cleaned and taken care of.  At least the hotel had a Jacuzzi and pool!  There wasn't much we could do but enjoy the time away.  When I survey the different stages of my life and where they were spent I find those memories rich with love, friendship and amazement. 
     The most important lesson all of this has taught me is that this isn't about me.  Christmas isn't about any of us.  Christmas is about Jesus.  Pretty simple.  The more I step out of the picture the more God is able to bring his message to us, his people.  That comes in all forms.  One year I gathered blankets and food coupons and went to give to the homeless.  Another year my kids and I worked in a homeless shelter.  I've spent Christmas in Europe and Hawaii.  I've driven or flown across the globe many times to celebrate Christmas with those I love.  And so, Christ in Christmas has brought me far from where I first started in October 1972 when I first gave my life to him.  Prior to that Christmas was all about giving and receiving gifts.  After that date Christmas became about Jesus, his birth and God's gift to us in him. 
     Commercialism has taken Christmas far away from the humble beginnings.  With Christmas beginning in July it's hard to get in the spirit so far from Christmas.  It's when there are the best deals in the store for Christmas I'm told.  What would the world look like if for just one year there were no decorations or gifts?  Just the gift of Jesus?  Would we be able to lose the commercial Christmas?  What story would we tell our children then?  How many years would it take to bring Christmas back to the manger story and lesson? 
     Where Christmas is celebrated by most everyone with the exception of Jehovah Witnesses here on earth.  Pagan and Christian celebrate the holiday side by side.  Sometimes one or the other switches to the other side.  But, Christmas goes on.  The real Holy Day of Christmas hasn't changed with God.  Even those with a staunch faith have altered how they celebrate Christmas.  Christmas is, should be and will be until Jesus comes to take us home to heaven.  You and I can do nothing to change the timeline.  We can determine whether or not we are on that train that is already begin leaving the station.  Will you be on it?  Will you be found watching God in those around us or will we be part of the crowd that is watching?  Really it's your choice.  Remember the Christ child and why he came to be a part of us and to leave a part of him with those who believe.  Do you believe?

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