Fewer and fewer people are engaging the reality of the day. A man holding a sign saying "mom's shouldn't have to worry about their sons out robbing someone." Really?! A whole nation going to hell in a hand basket and no sign of reason showing the world in it's real state. Generations of people not knowing the history of the world much less the United States or even their state. BUT, we have our daily life and it's reality. No matter how you dress up a dismal future, it's still a dismal future. Don't get the idea that I don't like Christmas or the Christmas season as I do like Christmas. At least what it stands for. I don't like the commercialism of Christmas that is not CHRISTmas. There are so many conflicting messages that most people give up on trying to filter out that which is right or wrong.
Those who claim to be atheist or non-believers are celebrating Christmas but don't believe that Christ was who he said he was. Reality check! If you don't believe why do you celebrate? For the "season" there are those who believe the Christmas story. They come around on Easter as well. That's about it. Two holidays with presents or at least a good portion of chocolate. Christmas has been losing it's true story for some time. Christians should be appalled at this. Unfortunately, most aren't. Most Christians go with the flow and try to not offend anyone. They bow down when yet another issue separating those saved and those who are not is struck down by a government who has abandoned the Lord who gave us this Christian nation.
Cute and cuddly with warm fuzzes reign. The reality check is the proof in the pudding. Yes, Christ was a cute baby. At least that's what is seen today. Yes, Christ was humble. Yes, Mary and Joseph were blessed and their blessing, Jesus, is the believers blessing as well. The cute and cuddly warm fuzzes has been switched to anything but Christ. After all, we don't want to offend anyone with the real reason for the season. That would be Jesus if you missed that statement earlier. Just what is it you believe when no one is looking, listening and checking to see if you are politically correct? Maybe your group has even invented a similar celebration. Perhaps you have dropped your guard in this season and gone with the flow.
The reality is we have only one question to answer. Do you believe Jesus to be God who came to us so that we can be saved? That's it. There are two answers for each of us. There is "Yes" and there is "No." Our lives fall into those two categories. There is no grey area. There are no compromises that we have to engage. Do we believe in Christ? Yes or No. Celebration of Christmas doesn't make you a Christian anymore than Easter does. Giving or receiving gifts from others doesn't make you generous. Receiving the grace of God and introducing others to Jesus is the reality we need to not only remember but also need to remember. Tell the story...again...and...again. Never tire of Jesus being Christmas' focus.
Regardless of how we believe God is and will be. That's reality. Looking to celebrate His birth is just as important as celebrating Easter. That's reality. Living your life in such a fashion that others see Jesus and not you is what people need even if they don't recognize what you are giving. That's reality. Reading the Christmas story out of the Bible and keeping Jesus first in Christmas is where we find our faith. That's reality. This season, take a reality check. See where you and those who are important to you stand. Then live God's reality.
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