Thursday, October 23, 2014

Procrastination is going to happen.

     Putting off what we can do for tomorrow is procrastination.  I'm guilty of that one element of life so often that it's like a good friend.  Sometimes procrastination is misunderstood.  When we are waiting for the "right time" we have a high chance that we are procrastinating.  The flip side of that coin involves waiting on God to give us the go ahead.  This is where "time" becomes quite interesting.  We all, Christian and not, have times in our lives when we have to wait.  Nothing can move earth until the proper time.  Waiting for a store to open, having to wait for a medical appointment, and waiting for dinner are all forms of having to wait for the right time. 
     Waiting also entails our needing to be wise in our choices.  A move motivated by time can be costly if it's too early or too late.  Sudden decisions need to be made from time to time.  However, when we misjudge the timing disaster can take place instead.  Wisdom is taught in several ways.  One way is through the teaching of our environment and participants.  Another way is through the school of hard knocks.  Learning this way quite often entails our having missed opportunities in our world.  Then, of course, there is wisdom in whether we listen to God or not.  God has perfect timing for all elements of his creation; even mankind.  Our ability and choice reflects to the world whether we are believers or not. 
     Sometimes we go through our lives waiting for this or that to happen; when all along we don't move lest we be wrong or be responsible.  Waiting for someone else to do what we could do is not okay with others as well as God.  It's been said that there are those who wait purposely for someone else to take the bull by the horns and do what you and I were supposed to do.  It's not always a lack of initiative but rather a lack of the ability to make and carry out a decision.  People generally do not like to be looked upon to make the first move.  Except for the confident.  They take chances and get things done.  There is a subtle difference between confident and cocky.  When it comes to getting things done the difference is immaterial. 
     We know someone (or we know it about ourselves) who fits in any of the classifications listed above.  Maybe we even know this about ourselves.  We have a set way on either end of the spectrum.  People are used to our actions or in-actions and expect us to respond this way or that.  So, to some degree, our lives are lived dependent upon time and place.  We all have found ourselves in places where something isn't getting done because no one, for whatever reason, take initiative and just does the job.  After someone takes care of the issue everyone breathes a fresh breath and life goes on.  There are those who make things happen and those who watch things happen.
     Learning life's lessons form how our environment, teaching or other means gets passed on.  We then pass down that which works or doesn't work on to our children and others around us.  We need to understand procrastination can be either positive or negative and correct misunderstandings as they are presented.  In order to do this our ability to listen and obey God is paramount not only for ourselves but others as well.  Our children and society depend upon us to the person who will not fail them.
     God wants us to be available to do what he wills in our lives.  We are also told to be our brothers keeper.  Adding this responsibility enhances not only our lives but also the lives of those we interact with.  I don't always wait and sometimes wait too long.  The more we listen to the voice of God, the better we get at doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done and for who it needs to be done.  It's not just about doing the job.  It's about expressing the love of God by being who we are created to be.  I'll try again today.  I won't put it off.  I will be responsible.  All of these are possible.  Don't put off what you need to do.  Give this area of your life over to God and watch what happens.  I know we will all be blessed.

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