Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Catchy little tunes

     It's raining so we should be singing about the Itsy Bitsy Little Spider.  You may not remember when you learned it but you probably remember when your kids learned that song.  How about "I wish I were and Oscar Meyer wiener."  Now we know you will have a ditty going on in your head for most of the day.  So, why not choose "Jesus Loves Me."  There are many others if we sit and think for a few moments.  What we remember is/are the songs or ditty's that are most important to us.  Why do we remember them?  Perhaps it was repeatedly hearing the ditty on the TV, radio, or at church.  Maybe it was from your kids singing them from the back seat.  Regardless, they are attached to a memory of your own.
     Repetitious use of a ditty will cement it in your brain for the rest of your life.  That is also true of our actions.  It's been said that a habit can be learned in 14 days and disconnected in 14 days.  I know personally that the first is true but I have questions about the last 14 day rule.  Partly it is because  of how the mind works.  A new thought or process engaged fills in a slot of our brain where before there was none.  The cancelling of that process may be able to be accomplished in the 14 days but the memory remains for the rest of our lives.  That is how we can engage the ditty in the first place.  We have something stimulate the memory and we are "back there" again. 
     Sometimes these ditty's leave us in a bad space.  Sometimes they leave us in a good place.  As a Christian, I desire my children to develop in such a way that they would ask Jesus to be their Savior.  That means sharing the Gospel, living the Gospel and, as they age, digging deeper into the Scripture to help them apply the Gospel to their lives.  Encouraging them to engage in Christian activities is important for them and us.  There is not a time we cannot learn something new.  Probably the biggest teacher for those around us is the way we live, make decisions and give ourselves to the Gospel.
     I should insert in here somewhere that unfortunately I have also not read the Scripture, not acted in Christian ways, and disregarded what I was taught.  I've had to repent and return to His way and that was probably not shown for learning purposes.  It's the same for our physical and verbal actions.  Sometimes our actions speak so loudly that those around us cannot understand what is being sail.  Living one's life as a Christian places us under a microscope.  If you don't feel that pressure I wonder if you have ever been saved or done anything for Jesus.  Maybe, like me, you have failed and thought God was done with you.  You turn around and there he is, Jesus standing there with open arms.  Those moments are important. 
     What is most important to God in your life?  Is it hot dogs or Jesus' love?  The world teaches us to remember as much as possible outside Christianity.  The Christian life teaches us to remember as much as possible of Christ in you.  We feed whichever is hungry.  Do you and I let the world devour us or do we get fed to the lions for our belief in Jesus?  After all is said and done it's important to remember that Jesus is what we should be all about.

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