Friday, May 23, 2014

Here's the catch...

No, I'm not talking about baseball though that would be a good topic.  I'm talking about expectations.  I saw an ad once that read: "For sale: 4 tires and wheels for a newer model Mercedes Benz."  The catch was: "$4000.00 for the tires and the car is free!"  More personally though we find ourselves being on both ends of this equation.  I'll drive you to the mall but you have to put some gas in my car.  You bring the pizza and beer while I provide the TV and a nice seat to watch the game.  These are examples of daily minor catches.  You might find yourself too close to this one: "After all I have done for you and you want what?"  "I'll give you money this once but I expect you to spend it wisely."  The list could go on and on.  This "catch" invades our private lives, our work and the world around us.  Most of the time it's not bothersome.  However, those times it is bothersome you are in for a ride emotionally as well as psychologically.  There are some things that have no "catch" and we mostly ignore them.  "Eat your vegetables or there is no dessert for you."  Clean your room or you can't go out tonight."  "I would love to come over when things are better."  Some people would increase the importance to bring "catch" to the level of "blackmail".  I've had many vocations (18) and more than half of them dictated more than what the job description.  Several had this written at the end of the job description:  "and other duties as assigned."  Catch phrases are conditional agreements.  I remember one woman I was counseling telling me (willingly) about her signing a prenuptial that said "after child birth I must return to my target weight within 3 months or this will be grounds for divorce."  What was she thinking?  A prenuptial is a "catch" phrase that has dire consequences.  The prenuptial almost never has anything positive as its basis.  "If I do this for you then you must do this for me."  Here is the "catch."  You now have the awareness and the power to not use "catch" in your life.  It's not reasonable to expect everyone else to do likewise.  But, you can do this in your life.  What is your motive?  Is it good for you AND the person you are doing this with?  Is this something God wants us to do with each other?  Can you imagine saying:  "God, if you help me to ____________, I'll ___________.  Do we think we can manipulate God?  Just for today I'll try to live my life without catches and see what transpires.  I hope you would do the same.

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