Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dogs are funny!

Buddy is our large mix dog.  Henry is our small blue heeler.  They have unique personalities and yet are the same in many ways.  Sometimes it's just fun to watch them interact with their environment.  Much like we do and they are watching us.  I imagine they think we are funny also.  Buddy is the original bull in the china shop dog.  What his head and body don't hit; his tail does.  That would be the part Lab in him.  Buddy cannot sneak up on anything!  Henry just appears out of nowhere.  Sometimes we all but fall over him as he has successfully planted himself unknown to us behind us.  As both of our dogs are older they, like me, are on medications.  As long as the method of pill taking is inside of something they consider yummy, there is no fight.  I ran out of the snacks I put pills in one day.  So, I found a jar of peanut butter.  No fair, you already know what happened!  Yep, they were licking the roofs of their mouths for what seemed a long long time.  Who would have thought peanut butter could provide such entertainment.  They didn't seem like they were laughing.  I need to put in a bit of history at this point.  We rescued Buddy and had him about a year when we decided he needed companionship.  We found Cocoa, our Husky and brought her home.  She took over being an alpha dog.  Buddy just fell in place as her servant.  Hm mm, sounds like some relationships I know.  She had various activities that evolved over time.  Like when she didn't want Buddy to be in a certain room or even the house she would lay in the doorway and refuse to let him in.  She would lay there with her front paws crossed looking quite proud of herself.  She was particularly obsessed with flying insects.  Bees, moths, flies were just a few of her prey.  One moment she would seem to be asleep and the next flying into the air snapping at a fly!  We lost her a couple of years ago.  Buddy was sick and mourning for months.  One day I was looking through pets on Craigslist and saw a picture of Henry.  I showed the picture to my wife and there was instant agreement that this was the dog for us even though we hadn't been planning on a new dog.  No dog could replace Cocoa.  I brought Henry home and we all had a great time getting to know him.  Over the next few days some of the idiosyncrasies in his personality came to the surface.  He became the alpha dog, blocked doorways with his paws crossed, and snapping at flying insects!  We couldn't believe his behaviors!  I'm sure Buddy didn't believe it either.  They quickly became best friends.  Both are older now (12) and not doing quite as many funny things.  We still get our laughs though.  A few days ago Henry was going under my wife's desk (works at home) as he usually did (along with Buddy).  She was sitting there when she heard him suddenly yelping!  She looked under the desk and found Henry with his toenail stuck in an electrical cord!  While the scene was funny, there was panic for sure.  He was okay but now we call him Sparky from time to time.  Buddy, as I've said, is a bull in the china shop type dog.  Recently he had surgery and when he came home he had on the "Cone of Shame".  Officially it's called an Elizabethan Collar and is used to keep dogs from getting to their wounds.  Buddy now crashes into everything!  He can't even go through a doorway without first bonking into the door frame!  We can hear him coming from a long ways off.  The surgery was serious but the entertainment of his bonking has earned him the nickname of "Bonk"!  So, now you have a bit of what it's like to live with two dogs.  Perhaps one day you can hear their side.  I'm sure God looks at me some days and laughs!  Some of the things I do are fairly entertaining even if I didn't intend them to be.  You probably won't believe it but sometimes others in my life laugh at me too!  God, forgive them for they know not what they do.  Amen.

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