Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Patience isn't my forte!

To prove the fact I had just finished this post when my computer chose to lock up.  By the time I was able to free it from the frozen state; the post was gone.  Have you ever felt that way?   Patience is a valuable trait to have develop in the lives of people who seek to serve God.  In turn our ability to be patient is tested from time to time.  Like in writing this post.  I am unable to recall all that I had written so I'm starting over.  How do I know that all of this isn't just the will of God?  I don't.  I do know that God wants to encourage us.  If everything went "right" in our lives, patience wouldn't be an issue at all.  That's not the way the world functions though.  In so many areas of life we are challenged with the need to be patient.  Some are minor and we can deal with them right now.  Others are major and need time and outside help.  Then there are the personal ones!  These are the hardest to overcome.  I'm not patient with myself.  You probably aren't either.  Next, I'm not as patient as I could and should be with those close to me.  Last but certainly not lease, I'm impatient with God.  This last one is funny in one sense.  We are impatient with God as he is patient with others and gives them time and grace!  It would be nice if the world was in sync, but the world isn't in sync.  It will be when we are in heaven.  I don't know about you but my impatience is driven by my selfishness.  We see it in our two and three year old, then teens, then when we become adults.  Impatience follows us to college and then into the world of adult responsibility with work and relationships.  Being paired with someone like me is difficult at its best.  The supreme act of patience is waiting for someone you love to become patient.  So, I've been trying to let go and let God bring about the changes in me so that I am less impatient and more patient.  Looking back over my life it's very plain to see where I've grown patient and where I've not been able to turn over that part of my life.  If we truly turn our life over to God and let him use it as he pleases then all things are on his timeline.  Patience then becomes a virtue that we can model to those around us.  So, just for today I will do my best to be on God's plan and exercise the patience of God with tasks as well as others.  God only knows the benefits others will receive though this change.  When we are encouraged by others the task of being patient grows.  We are able to emulate Jesus better and peace fills that area of our lives.  I pray that today you are able to let God have the responsibility of your lives so that our lives become a witness to others. 

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