Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Delayed day...just take it in stride

Well, here it is 8:15 PM and I finally have Internet service.  I was quite shocked to see our system down this morning at 5:30 AM and called our vendor.  They said they would have someone out between 3 and 5 PM.  He arrived at 5:16 PM.  Guess I was supposed to work on patience and understanding today.  Anyway, here I am no worse for the ware.  I'm normally not a very patient person.  I can fake it on the outside but those who know me can see the signs.  My wife works at home and decided that she would go to the office for the say.  I hope she wasn't suggesting that my space had anything to do with it.  The dogs and I kept each other company as I did chores, putzed (that's an old term for doing stuff.) around until I had done enough to call the day a success.  I was raised in a home with an impatient father.  I became an impatient boy and raised impatient kids when they came along.  I'm sure they will thank me later.  I have made headway over time.  It seems that the "unknown factor" is my PTSD which is a subconscious trigger for my impatience.  My tendency to be demanding goes up when I become impatient.  So does my level of stress.  Taking a deep breath, working outside, and woodworking all help.  Today I took a nap with my dogs.  The little one slept in my lap and snored.  I don't know if he continued after I went to sleep.  When I woke up I was hoping to see a smiling technician for the Internet waiting at my door.  No such luck.  He was late but he was nice, professional, knowledgeable and didn't charge me a fee for coming to fix the problem.  By the way, he wasn't able to fix my router so we have to get a new one.  Things were easier back when we could write a letter, put a stamp on it and throw it in the mail.  I think the Internet is part of the cause for my increased impatience.  Anyway, I did make it through the day and no one was hurt.  Better yet, I didn't hurt myself.  It was a successful day!

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