Thursday, July 12, 2018

More on Satan's input into the Christian's world

     "Tell your kids that if they are naughty Santa won't fill their stocking."  Let that sink in.  "Oh look honey, the Easter Bunny left you a dollar under your pillow!"  Let that sink in.  "Of course your dog has gone to heaven and you'll see him there."  Let that sink in.  None of them are found in Scripture.  Or are they?  Telling "itching ears what they want to hear" Satan goes about deceiving the very elect.  That would be those with knowledge and wisdom from God.  "I had to work late." when you had to meet with him/her for a quickie.  "I'm stopping by at the bar for a drink with the gang on the way home."  Your spouse and family is first after Jesus?  Let that sink in.  "Do what I say and not what I do!"  Sure, your children will do that.  After all, you have said it before and you haven't changed.  The lies we tell each other, our children, spouses and our employers and others only serve to prove Jesus' point.  Most Christians seek to serve Satan and his agenda than to serve Jesus and allow Jesus to live through them.  Stealing that pen from your work.  Using others for your own gain.  Not helping the widow and the orphan.  Yes, they are all sins that Christians do and justify in one way or another just like the lies they tell their children.  When the children learn that they have been lied to all that have told the lie lose their integrity and they, like the world remember that old line is true:  "Do what I say and not what I do."  
     When you fill out your taxes do you use the law for your advantage by claiming the money you've given to God for your own pocket?  IF you have given it to God that money no longer belongs to you.  I don't care what your church tells you, the records they keep for you and the justification they preach to you to do so.  IF you have given what God has given to you and then take it back you have never given that gift in the first place.  Your intention of "tithing" was flawed in the beginning when you think you can use it to better your own place when you file taxes.  I won't even get into the lying that is done outright by Christians who think like the world:  "No one can prove otherwise."  Let's also look at the self seeking behavior by our religious leaders (I won't call them Christian).  The prosperity gospel is a LIE.  It's not a gospel at all!  The Bible says that those who preach this will have their name removed from the Book of Life!  You who don't believe me start by reading your Bible.  Look in the church parking lot and you'll see radar detectors on the dash of many cars.  Why?  These people INTEND on sinning by speeding and then using whatever means necessary and available to get away with that choice.  Let that sink in.  The sin in Christian circles is so prevalent in our churches and communities that the Christian integrity of the Gospel is compromised or even become a laughing matter in the community they are alleging bringing Jesus to.
     There is no excuse for the Christian who has argued that "the law allows it."  Mankind has been changing laws to accommodate their sin.  No matter what mankind has chosen to do, (like making abortion legal) sin is still sin in God's eyes.  "You are just being legalistic."  No, I'm preaching the Word of God.  The Word of God will never go away, is never fallible and is never to be compromised by those who give their life to Jesus.  "Behold, the old has passed away and the new has come." "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives through me."  "I die daily so that the Lord Jesus Christ has not died in vain."  There are consequences for our actions.  We are not just responsible for our choice but for the choices of those who we teach/train others (like our children) to do.  The Word tells us that we will be held accountable for "every idle word and every deed" that we have said/done AFTER we have let Jesus live through us.  Are you converted or has this described you.  If so, you need to go back to the Father and (ACTS) give adoration to God, confess your sin, thank God for your salvation and then humbly ask for his open door to get back into His will which will save your soul from the fiery depth of hell.  Still think Satan doesn't have an agenda in your life and the lives of those around you?

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