Sunday, July 15, 2018

Christian math problems.

     It's not calculus or trig but it's still math.  Sin equals separation from God.  No, that's not a full math equation.  Engaging in sin equals separation from God.  Yes, that's more like it.  See how simple Christian math is?!  Christian math becomes more difficult as we apply it to things like the Trinity.  The three in one.  Not bad if you use the example of the egg.  One shell plus one yoke and one white equal three in one and all a part of each other interdependent upon each other to make the whole.  Okay, sorry, I morphed into complex math for a bit.  I've always had a difficult time with "time" itself within the context of math.  For instance, before sin there was no time.  Time didn't exist.  Yes, there were seasons and the night and day.  But time itself didn't exist.  See what I mean?  Time becomes difficult in that sense.  Once sin was conceived by Eve and Adam (in that order), time existed.  So, time must relate directly to mankind who was created by God and seen as good.  The key part of the algebra is that God wasn't capable of being manipulated by the serpent and when Eve and Adam were, God was not.  Time continued for mankind but never stopped for God.  Then of course there is reverse math.  Though this was foretold by prophets, it wasn't believed.  God sent one part of him (Jesus) to earth to be a man to be a means of timelessness to begin again.  When we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and are saved, time doesn't exist anymore.  Time is only for the fallen and the lost.  For those who are in Christ there is no longer any time.
     Except eternity!  Eternity can be seen as part of a math equation with the variable being found in our choice.  We are presented two formula's where our choice leads us to a crossroads.  A plus B or C equals D.  D is our chosen answer based upon our either choosing A plus B or A plus C.  D is the representative of eternity.  A place where time has once again ceased to exist.   For the first equation A represents us, you and I while B equals Jesus.  For the second equation A represents us, you and I while C equals Satan.  We either are able to understand that we can be in either camp but not both.  You can be the part of the equation where you choose Jesus or you can be part of the equation where you choose Satan.  That isn't only true for eternity; it's also true for each and every of our daily thoughts, deeds and words.  It's also true for what we do about the Great Commission...or don't do.  However, let there be no misunderstanding that D always is eternity.  For the first equation D is eternity in Heaven with Jesus.  For the second equation D is eternity in hell with Satan.  There are no other mathematical formulas involved here.  There are no other variables.  There are no hidden parts of the equation negating either D in heaven or D in hell.  There is a Heaven and there is a Hell.  You choose by whom you choose to serve.
     Math isn't just about addition.  There is also multiplication.  A times B/C equals D.  What?  Same formula but "times"?  Yes, should you (A) tell others about Jesus (b) and they repent then D is the answer for them as well.  Should you (A) tell others nothing (c) and they don't repent then D is the answer for them as well.  You can do the math and see where this is heading.  Subtraction is also part of the Christian math problems.  It's tied to addition but with different results.  A minus B/C equals D squared.  Should you A tell others lies and they believe them, your name is subtracted from the book of life.  See how that works?  Should you add or subtract from the Word of God then your name is subtracted from the Book of Life.  Division is the final area I'll address.  A divided by B equals C.  You, A, decide to read the Word and apply it's truths to your life. You have just divided your problems (B) and this equals God's wisdom living through you and you become rightly able to divide the truth given to us by God resulting in holy living on your part.  However, there is a corollary.   You, A, gossip, slander, malign, instigate or otherwise divide the body of Christ.  You too come to a place where C equals your expulsion from the presence of God.  The Word says that it's better that you have a mill stone hung around your neck and you be thrown into the ocean.  Let me know what you think of Christian math.  Just don't think you aren't part of the equation.

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