Thursday, June 21, 2018

The fairytale Christian

     In the world of magical thinking this one is probably the most dangerous.  I'll start off with an example with a bumper sticker.  The bumper sticker is simply "coexist" written in various religious signs.  The bumper sticker suggests that all religions should coexist because they are all the same.  While the thought may be nice, it's still a lie from the pit of hell.  The lie is bolstered by Satan wanting you to believe there isn't a reason to live your faith.  Why?  Because they are all the same.  Within this same thinking are the thoughts that there is no need to share the one true Gospel.  After all, if we are all going to coexist and then into eternity, what's the purpose?  Let's add to this with the thoughts that "God is a god of love and won't send anyone to hell."  And, "there is no hell."  If you adhere to this kind of thinking, you DO NOT know Jesus and never have.  The Bible is very clear that salvation is only through Jesus.  Coexisting isn't a truth but a lie that leads many down the path to something other than the saving grace of Jesus.  Such thinking and embracing of the lie only lead people to disbelieve the Word or it's power.  When the world begins to be "feel good" there can be no mistaking the lie has been accepted.  Magical thinking doesn't make it so.  Magical thinking is what allows people to choose to deny God and thus choose to send themselves to hell.
     Fueled by magical thinking Pastors and other church leaders do what they feel they should to have peace in their communities.  Often the cost is adhering to the Gospel and expecting their flock to do the same.  No, it's not okay to tolerate other religions.  No, it's not okay to stop short of the truth in fear of what others might think.  No, it's not okay to tell lies from the pulpit and claim they are from God.  No, it's not okay for people to run the church when there is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to do that job.  You get the point.  The fairytale doesn't exist (another lie) and there are many who are lost believing that it does.  Relaxing in the coexistence of all mankind doing whatever they think right is the way the world works and not how God works.  Jesus said he came not to bring peace but to bring a sword rightly dividing the Word of God so that all mankind may believe and be saved.  That isn't a fairytale.  That is the truth provided by the Gospel.  The greater sin is that the Christian who lives the fairytale teaches their children and others to do the same.  No matter how you present a lie, it's still a lie.  Legalizing the lie doesn't erase the lie as a sin.
     Magical thinking.  Believing you are saved by baptism as an infant.  That's a lie.  Believing that unless you are baptized you aren't saved is another lie. Believing that God tells you to do what is outside the confines of Scripture.  Yep, it's a lie.  Believing that having a pretty church building is essential for saving of souls is another part of magical thinking.  Believing that somehow living the life you do is enough for your children to be saved is magical thinking.  Believing that it's someone else's job to share the Gospel because you are uncomfortable is a lie.  Magical thinking is all about the lie.  That lie?  "Surely you won't die."  By the way, there are no marriages or giving in marriage in heaven.  The Bible says that.  There is no reference in the Bible that animals will be in heaven no matter how much you love them.  The thought that all you have to do to go to heaven is to be a good person is magical thinking.  None of the magical thinking, fairytales, and wishes will ever replace the only name, Jesus, by whom mankind might be saved.  The Bible says that "NOW is the time of salvation."  Are you saved?

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