Sunday, June 10, 2018

Christian self deception

     Self deception is really easy.  All that's required is convincing one  The difficult issue is keeping your self deceived life intact.  In order to do that, there is a need to keep those around you deceived as well.  THEN, if you want to really succeed, those around you also need to engage in self deception.  In the end a nice little conclave of believers have become self righteous and believe their deception is the truth and the truth is a deception.  The end is worse than the beginning.  This "new truth" becomes part of every area of your life and because you believe it, those who admire and respect you let the same permeate their lives.  With mutual support the deception grows and pretty sure your "new truth" becomes a new cult that has nothing to do with Jesus.  "Away from me, I never knew you."  Do you really want to hear that?  Apparently.  This is what so many churches have become.  Never mind the Great Commission when you have people to get comfortable and give.  Maybe your work place suffers as well.  You bring your deception there and the same formula takes place.  You know what is really sad?  Most of the people don't care and play along.  They know what you are about and what you think, say and do.  They know what your allegiances are and how far you will go in denying Christ so that you will leave them alone.
     It's a white lie.  It won't hurt anyone.  No one will even know.  They all say the same thing, "Self Deceived".  The Bible warns about this and tells us the results if we follow our folly.  Death and destruction.  Every high place in your life will be brought low and be exposed.  Pastors divorce their wives all the while saying it's the will of God.  They make off with the money and the secretary and yet have people tell them they are forgiven and still give them more money that they can buy a new jet for the "ministry" and where they won't have to be on an airplane with sinners.  Who do they think they are?  From CEO's to the lowest man in the ranks, self deception exists and has only one purpose.  That would be to give glory to self and deny the saving grace of God.  The first will be last and the last will be first.  Self deception is buying the lie.  "Surely, God didn't mean that you would really die."  Yes, he did.  The truth is the opposite of self deception.  The truth sets you free where the lie held you captive.  The truth is sweetness to the stomach while self deceived living leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.  Still think it won't hurt any one?
     If it's not in Scripture, it's a deception.  If it's not God breathed, it's enemy breathed.  If the truth isn't in it, it's a lie.  Simple to say and yet the world wants the believer to believe the lie and just enjoy their time on earth.  Many do just that not even caring about the damage to their lives and the lives of those around you.  To the prosperity preachers there is a special place reserved for you in hell.  For those who have taken groups of people and subjected them to the deception of a cult there is a special placed reserved for you in hell.  For those who have added to and subtracted from the Gospel to adjudicate their choices, yes, there is a special place reserved for you in hell.  If you don't like what the Bible says, talk with God about it.  If you don't like the truth, talk with God about it.  If you don't want to be saved from the folly of your ways, just talk with God about it.  It's always your choice AND your consequences.

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