Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Christianity is supposed to be offensive!

     Did that get your attention?  We hear from so many teachers, pastors and followers of  Christ that we are supposed to be loving and kind no judging any man, woman or child about how they live their faith.  I just read in Mark 9 that Jesus rebuked Peter right after Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ.  That couldn't have been very popular with Peter.  When I say that Christianity is supposed to be offensive, I'm saying just what the Bible says about Christian living.  The world sees Christians as an offense today like never in the past.   Christians are still being killed for sharing their faith in countries around the world.  Why is that?  It's not because it changes the story.  Nor is it about how the story is told.  It's because of THE STORY.  Jesus.  In order to not be offended by Jesus people need to acknowledge their sinful life.  Most don't like to do that...I'm talking about Christians and non alike.  Knowing the truth is supposed to set us free and not enslave us.  Who or what is enslaving people?  The easy answer is Satan.  The hard answer is the non-believing world that Satan is lord over.  With the message of mercy and grace we encounter an enraged Satan who has vowed to take as many people as possible with him to hell even though he knows the truth.  He doesn't want you to know the truth either.
     What happens we aren't offensive (living a Christian life)?  That's an easy question.  Nothing!  We simply watch people on their way to hell and little is done to prevent that from happening.  It would be a marvelous picture to see Christians actively passing on the Good News.  That requires standing for Jesus instead of being wooed by the world around us.  When Peter and John were before the religious authorities after the resurrection of Jesus they were told to not preach the name of Jesus.  Peter told them that they could NOT obey that order.  They were compelled by the Spirit to tell everyone because they were sent into a lost world.  God cannot be silenced no matter what the world and Satan throw out there.  The Holy Spirit has been sent to us as a comforter.  He also has been the instrument by which we know when and where to share our faith to others.  Whether we like it or not we who call Jesus Lord are missionaries and are charged with the command to tell all the world about Jesus.  That's when your faith becomes offensive to those who are perishing. 
     If we deny Christ before mankind, he will deny us before the Father.  This begs the question of whether or not a person has been saved by Christ.  There are many Christians who are taught how to be a Christian and yet live an entirely different life.  Are they saved by the teachings in Sunday School and from the pulpit?  Not at all. There is only one name, Jesus, by which mankind may be saved.  The choice isn't to be half way.  It's not like choosing to be one person at home and another person at work.  Yet, Christians all over the earth do just that forsaking Jesus where He is most needed.  Your faith and my faith are to be offensive in a positive way.  We are called to have Jesus live through us.  It's his love that is so offensive to many.  Why is that?  Because his love is perfect.  His love is found in grace and mercy.  His love is lived out through us.  If we don't live the Christian life as He intended, we don't live it at all.  Are you offensive to the world because of Jesus' love in you?  It's always your choice.

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