Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Somewhere between here and there...

     Life is a journey taken however you choose.  The end of each of our journeys is standing before the throne of God and having the Father find our names written in the Book of Life.  Why is there no book of death?  Since Eve sinned and then Adam sinned, we have become a fallen people and without life.  The life that is offered us is through Jesus Christ and the New Covenant of his blood covering our sins.  We begin the journey when we encounter Jesus and let the old man go and have Jesus live his life through us.  That's the here.  The there I've already discussed as being before the Father.  ALL will stand before the Father and your name will be found or it will not.  Jesus used the parable of the sheep and the goats which comes into play.  The goats were sent to the left while the sheep were sent to the right.  Before the Father there will be that same designation.  All whose names are found in the Book of Life will enter into his presence for eternity.  Those whose names are not found will enter into hell for eternity.  This is all about choice.  We have the choice in choosing whether we enter heaven or hell.  That bein said, we need to take a close look at ourselves and see if we have a living and vibrant life in Christ or not.  No one is without excuse according to the Bible.  No one is without a choice as well. 
     Today, this hour, this minute is all you and I have.  We don't have yesterday so we can do a redo.  We don't have a tomorrow when we can do better.  We have now.  What is our now filled with?  Why is it important to take care of the "now" moments of your life.  Think about it.  How long would it take to say the following to your loved ones:  "I'm praying for you and hope you are looking to Jesus to live through you."  How long?  Seconds!  Yet, we let our children go off to school where they are taught whatever that particular school teaches.  We take our children to daycare and do the same.  We send out wife, husband or roommates off to work without uttering a word.  Without uttering THE Word.  Everyone talks about the big one and are usually talking about earthquakes.  Here on the west coast it's more like the chicken little tale.  Everyone has heard the warnings and nothing has happened to suggest the "big one" has struck.  So, we become lackadaisical and throw concern out with the garbage.  We become unconcerned and apathy fill our world.  Then we joke about the "big one" and even have mocking parties to make fun of that future event.  Does this sound like your Christian life?  Do you treat the Gospel with the same way you treat the "big one".  The big one is when we stand before the Father and find out if our name is written or not.  At that point, it's to late. 
      Many ignore the call of the Christian to be a disciple of Jesus and instead ignore the very message that brought us to Jesus and salvation.  Let me ask you this.  How are you going to answer the Father when asked if you have carried the Gospel to your world?  What are you going to say?  Remember He knows everything.  He may have erased your sin.  But has he erased the sins of your wife, friend, children, co-worker, and the rest of your realm of influence?  Was it because you didn't do anything when you could have done everything?  When that person appears before the Father and his or her name isn't found in the Book of Life, can you envision the feelings you will be having?  Would you even consider the fact that your not sharing the Gospel was the reason they are departing to hell?  I know this sounds very heavy.  The reality of being our brother's keeper are heavy.  What we do and don't do make a difference in the lives we touch.  What's your touch?  You can't make cookies and give them away expecting them to receive eternal life from the cookies.  Why do you think that they will "some how" come to know about Jesus unless you tell them?  You have a choice and that choice is always your choice.  The buck stops with you and I.

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