Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Well, different people interpret the Bible differently."

     The statement is true but not necessarily accurate.  People can define words to their liking just as they can define what the Bible says to their liking.  It's a matter of what purpose you and I have in mind to accomplish.  The act of "Scripture twisting." is widespread and getting more and more out of control.  The argument over different precepts of the Bible only serve to divide and spread the chasm between Christians and Christian groups/churches.  One may believe this while another believes that and they are both right or both wrong.  The test of time isn't the best factor as things in the world change with time.  The ability of theologians to interpret and apply the old languages is dependent upon their particular focus and application.  So it is with the Sunday school teachers and pastors as well as the Christian amongst the unbelievers.  So, what are we to do?  Do we participate in the worlds changing attitude and understanding?  Heaven forbid!  Do we try to interpret the Word ourselves for our own purposes?  Heaven forbid! What would happen if we as God's people read the Word and let the Holy Spirit speak to us?  Now that's a rare thing indeed.  Furthermore, what would happen if we believed that God speaks through the Bible and has answers to all of our questions? What a concept!  Then, what if the Christian were to ACTUALLY think, say and do what God wants thought, said and done? 
     When I was in seminary I became engrossed with a conversation with two other people about the problem of polygamy.  We were young, totally in the know and speaking out of our ignorance when a third man, a missionary, joined in.  He was quiet and spoke from personal experience.  He told the story of ministering Christ to a small village in Africa where the chief had a central hut and there were 9 huts surrounding his.  They belonged to his wives.  The chief listened to the Gospel and accepted Christ.  Soon, his wives did the same as well as the majority of the village.  The missionary then asked us what would we do regarding his polygamy?  He continued to say that if the chief was to only have one wife that the other "tainted" women would have only one place in that society.  They would need to become prostitutes in order to stay in the village and tribe.  No one else would have them.  What do you do?  The missionary said that the cause of Christ is for all of mankind to be saved.  Having more than one wife doesn't take away your or their faith in Christ.  Adherence to the law that was fulfilled by Jesus is no longer the standard.  There are only two laws we need to contend ourselves with.  You know what they are:  love God first and love others second. 
    Jesus lived in the present life of those he encountered.  He met people where they were and not where he wanted them to be.  From tax collectors to prostitutes, Jesus didn't enjoin them to continue in their sin but to leave their life of sin and follow him.  He saw and accepted the person God had created that person to be...not what they should be.  He didn't sidestep Scripture making it up as he went along.  When people became genuine as they were exposed, they also encountered the very real Son of God who could save their souls.  They, like me and you, need only ask, die to self, and let Jesus live through us.  Doesn't take a scholar to explain that.  It takes a true believer who is open to what the Holy Spirit can do when listened to.  I was once asked by my ordination board what my theological stance was.  I thought for a minute before saying what I felt the Holy Spirit wanted them to hear.  I said, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so."  These learned men were shocked and one even asked me what field of theological thought I followed.  I told them, "Jesus, born, raised, crucified, and risen."  It was the last question they had for me.  People can interpret the Bible anyway they want.  In the end, what matters is that each and every man, woman and child has the chance to choose Jesus as their Savior.  After all, it's always your choice.

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