Sunday, May 29, 2016

Self loathing feelings are NOT from God.

    For most Christians it's easy to think or even visualize the perfect person Christ is and the life he lived here on earth.  We can even think of some of those God considered "righteous" and see that in most of their lives.  Then there is Paul.  "I am the greatest of sinners."  "Those things I know I should do I don't and those things I know I shouldn't do, I do.  Wretched man that I am."  John the Baptist.  "He is coming who's sandals I am unworthy to untie."  "No, it should be you who baptizes me."  Peter the Rock!  "Then the cock crowed three times."  See what I mean.  Those we revel around us are no different than we are.  We are no different than every other person on earth.  I have very few problems seeing the positive in my life most days.  I can look to the past and see where I've come from, look to the future and see where I am going.  What I have trouble with is today.  Today I have to deal with people, places and things.  Today I will be challenged, fail and have to deal with it.  Today I will visit the mountaintop (which is nice) and plummet into the valley (where self loathing waits).  I imagine most Christians will for that matter.  It's was those who are not perfect do.  No one's life is great all the time.  However, the Christian has the perfect Son of God living within them. 
     What do I not get?  Anybody else take the failings of their loved ones, children and even our community upon themselves when things don't go right?  Does anyone feel the sadness of lost opportunities after a day of being run through the mill at work or whatever we do for our day?  When we fail someone do we rejoice or have to work through the self loathing part first?  Living in a self loathing position isn't what God wants us to do.  He wants us to confess our failings as well as our sins, repent and then go on.  Why?  Because he loves us and has a purpose for us that we are not able to give ourselves fully to if we are distracted.  So, where does the self loathing come from?  It doesn't come from God!  It comes from the enemy.  However, the enemy may be working through your spouse, children, family, parents, co-workers and others who are involved in your life.  The enemy doesn't care how or what he has to do to interrupt your Christian life.  He only cares that he incapacitates you and I for as long as he can.  Why?  Because he knows the end of the story as well.  He knows that he will end up in an eternity of fire and brimstone loathing all that is in his realm.  He wants you and I to join him for lunch.  Don't.
     Things will not go as planned today just as they did yesterday and will tomorrow just because we live in a fallen world full of traps and tricks.  We don't need to be incapacitated with these thoughts of what will happen, could happen or even might happen.  The Bible encourages us to think on heavenly things.  The Word became flesh so that we could have life and that life more abundantly.  The Holy Spirit testifies of the love of God in and with us as we face today.  Why should we fear if He who is within us is greater than who is in the world?  Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount that we should take no thought of tomorrow.  He also said that we should ask in faith believing.  Both of these activities require we let go of yesterday and it's failures, bring with us those successes and focus not on tomorrow but today.  Right now!  This very moment!  There is nothing I can do about the past moment or the next moment.  All I have is THE moment.  All you have is THE moment.  Our lives can requested of us in the twinkle of an eye (1/1000th of a nano second).  Living in the present moment by moment will frustrate those who like to plan out their lives.  The problem is THEIR planning out their days and not letting God do the job.  There are many who claim that they need to take charge otherwise "why did God give me a mind of my own."  Second problem.  Our minds, once we give him our lives, belong to him just like our time, relationships, jobs and everything else that intersects ME.
     Choosing to carry yesterday or tomorrow into our today is not a good idea.  It's not even an okay idea.  It's a bad idea.  With those choices you and I bring self loathing and that is NOT from God.  Make the choice today.  It's yours to make.

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