Sunday, February 7, 2016

What's your strong suit?

     The Bible says that we all are fitted together as one body in Christ and have a place where we "fit" as our talents and experiences are put to use for the glory of God.  I believe that.  My strong suit must be causing trouble.  That's the way it seems sometimes.  Most of the great men and women of the Bible were troublemakers to the core.  They were called to, readied for and applied to those with whom God wanted to get a message to.  Call it a "calling" or what you will, but none the less it's a job that not everyone is suited for.  Along with every strong suit is a weak suit as well.  For instance, Moses claimed to not be able to speak for himself and needed Aaron to do the talking for him.  See what I mean?  Whenever we are considering what we are to be in the body of Christ we must look at our weak suit and determine to have someone come alongside us in that area. No one can or should try to be a lone ranger when it comes to doing God's work.  Even Noah had his wife, sons and their wives to help him.  People thought he was crazy until it started to rain.  The fact that his wife and sons and their wives stayed connected, helped and went with Noah as the Ark was sealed up is amazing.  Today abandonment of the ones on the fringe is more common. 
     I love to create things out of wood.  They aren't perfect.  That's because I'm not a perfectionist.  I'm a functionalist.  As long as it functions well, it doesn't need to be perfect.  That's how it works.  I turn out some good items but also leave something to be desired with other items.  I mean how perfect does a cutting board need to be?  I also have been gifted in helping people with their problems.  Counseling or life coaching is a love that has been encouraged by God even when I did a crappy job of them.  Functional is the best any of us can get with our self development.  We are sinners fallen in sin and thus flawed.  My best is always what I want to give.  That can only be attained when God is at the wheel.  He guided the Ark and it's construction.  He helped David evade Saul for years.  He even protected Paul through beatings, stoning's, and being run out of town.  Jesus talks about the Prodigal Son and we can be encouraged that whenever we are called back to where we are "home" in him, that Jesus is there ready to receive us just as we are.  His strong suit is saving people from themselves and sin.  His strong suit is grace, love and faithfulness.  His strong suit was giving up his life for us.  He has nothing but strong suits!
     I have another strong suit.  I love to have my hands in the dirt.  Gardening is a love of mine that

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