Monday, February 29, 2016

The Christian and the mercy of God today.

     Sometimes Christians act like God is at their mercy rather than the other way around. 
  1. 1.
    compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.
     It's so much easier for us to receive mercy for what we deserve as opposed to offering mercy to those who ask for mercy from us.  Where God has no desire to wield  the power of destruction over us, we seem to do that very thing to those within our circles.  If we do this to fellow Christians imagine what we are doing to those who are perishing.  Mercy may follow me all the days of my life but am I letting mercy direct all the days of my life?  While the stories abound in the Bible about mercy and the need to show mercy as well as BE mercy to others, we seem to misinterpret that imperative with others.  William James once said (about the Christian) "We may have a God in heaven who forgives us our sins; but mankind does not."  Rather than defer our ability to judge, condemn, castigate and destroy others, we seem to think that playing the god of our world will somehow make others better people.  Really?! 

     Nietzsche said, "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful." 

     Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy."

     Steve said, "I'm sorry I haven't exercised mercy to people as I have received it."

     You said, "______________________."

     Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.  Where is the compassion and forgiveness amongst Christians in our world today?  Where is the concern for our fellow man living amongst us?  Where do our Christian values lead us?  Are we so much better than anyone else?  No, we are worse!  We've had our eyes opened to who and what we actually are and STILL fail to give the compassion and forgiveness that has so lovingly been offered to and received by us.  Where Jesus has died and risen so that we can have life and relief from the punishment we deserve; we offer less than or nothing to those who are around us.  It's called hypocrisy. 

     Where does compassion and forgiveness begin and end in relationship to what sins we and others need to be held accountable for.  Jesus said, "For as much as you forgive others, you will be forgiven."  Ouch!  It's easy for us to justify our condemnation of others as "sinners", "them", and other phrases that distance us from our fallen comrades.  It's been said that the Christian army is the only army that abandons it's wounded.  Not only has it been said, it's truth has been validated over the centuries since Christ died for us.  Why do we live like we do?  Why is it that you and I seem to take for granted the grace and mercy of God while exercising little of it towards mankind?  It's not a comfortable question for me.  I don't imagine it's a comfortable question for you either.  Seeing ourselves as we are should be impetus enough for us to take our eyes off others and whatever they are or are not doing.  Reminded daily of my status as the "greatest of sinners." why do I still look at other's sins?  Maybe to make myself feel like I'm not that bad.  I am that bad.  So are you.  We all deserve the death and destruction of God but by mercy live another day (some of us) all because we are loved by a God who sees his image in us instead of our past. 

     What do you see in yourself?  Have you asked for the forgiveness and healing you need?  If you aren't able to receive mercy, you have none to give.  You can't give away something you don't have.  If you don't love the person (image) God loves inside of you, how can you expect to give the love of God away,.  You can't give away anything you don't have.  Let's stop giving away hate and self loathing.  That will really mess with the evil agenda of that great liar Satan.  What happens when you choose to receive the mercy of God?  You are able to give mercy towards others.  Remember, it's always your choice. 

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