Monday, November 30, 2015

Christians and mental illness.

     In days of old mental illness amongst Christians was seen as demonic possession or demonic oppression.  Even in the Bible we see people who were mentally ill and or possessed being treated my Jesus.  From the Old Testament there are instructions on how to deal with people that reflected an ignorance on their part that continues to today.  So, what do we do with mental illness, demonic possession or oppression and the Christian. First lets get some ground rules.  Mental issues are classified into two categories: disorders and illnesses.  The former are like depression and anger management where the problem can be treated and overcome or contained.  Mental illnesses are not curable.  Mental illnesses like Schizophrenia are often inherited (mom's side of the family most of the time.) and is not curable.  Yes, it too can be treated but it will not go away.  Wait you say, can't God heal us?  Yes, I'll get to the divine intervention in a moment.  Just like disorders and illnesses there is also demonic possession and demonic oppression.  Both are Biblical and have different presentations.  First, demonic possession is where demons inhabit the individual.  Demonic oppression is more widely distributed with Christian and non-Christian being affected.  This comes in the forms of trials and tribulations.  Demons can be exorcised from the person while in oppression we are less able to turn away the world around us. 
     I've spent my time with all the above categories beginning on the mission field with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and then as a pastor and as a therapist.  A common misconception is that we are somehow "less than" if we are afflicted with a mental illness or disorder.  Since God sees us all the same as fallen sinners able to be saved by grace; we need to do the same.  As a people of God, Christians seem to feel that certain categories of illnesses and disorders are worse than others.  That's not the way it works.  Just as sin is categorized into two distinct groups (sins that lead to death and sins that don't); we need to understand that it's vitally important to see people from God's point of view and not ours.  There have been plenty of people in and around me who would tell you that I'm crazy and just as many that would say I am not.  Out mental institutions are full of people deemed as unable to exist in mainstream humanity.  The Christian church is also full of people deemed as unable to exist in mainstream humanity.  That's what we use to justify our distancing from people who are not like us. 
     Most of you know of the slant the movie media have put out as to what demon possession and oppression are like.  It's wrong.  Sometimes it's worse and sometimes it's better.  There is an old saying that goes like this: "If you don't feel Satan's attacks then you are not doing anything for God."  Some of the most oppressed people in Christianity have been and continue to be those who are focused on bring Jesus to ALL the world.  The list of such people is extremely long and stretch back to the early church.  Not everyone is demon possessed as you may think.  Not everyone is demon oppressed as you may think.  While "The devil made me do it." was popular and continues to have some popularity, it's not true.  We have a free will and choices we can make.  When we come to Jesus and renounce the old world we lived in we put on Christ.  From that point on we cannot be possessed by demons though we can be oppressed.  The more you do for Christ the greater oppression.  Count on it.  There are those out in the populations (like the church of Satan) who are very obviously not Christian but again not all are possessed by Satan.  Rather they have chosen to be part of that life style and perpetuate the worship of Satan.  Since we are not "possessed" by Jesus and have no choice of our own; the same holds true for those who are not Christian.  Whether someone worships their TV or job or whatever hold little evidence of demonic possession but rather oppression.
     I know that I've wandered into a very risky area with this blog today.  I believe that Jesus wants this message to get out there in order for us to be better representations of Him to a very fallen world.  Jesus isn't politically correct, isn't a conformist and doesn't want us to be as well.  The Gospel is offensive to those who are perishing.  That shouldn't stop us from sharing Jesus.  That should compel the Christian TO action out of concern over those who are perishing.  There IS only one name by which mankind may be saved; Jesus.  There is no other way.  Backing off from Biblical teaching only shows that we fear man more than God.  The Bible teaches intolerance to sin.  Period.  If you and I aren't intolerant of sin in our own lives and the lives of those who call themselves Christian, then we need to question our belief and salvation.  Jesus tells us that we cannot serve two masters.  Yet that is where many Christians find themselves.  How we see people from God's perspective directs how we do ministry.  The mentally ill Christian deserves to have the same grace that the non-mentally ill Christian.  The oppressed aren't always possessed and shouldn't cause us to jump to conclusions.  The only means by which discernment can be applied is for us to surrender to the guidance of the Word of God and the input from the Holy Spirit. 

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