Saturday, August 22, 2015

We shouldn't think...just drink coffee and do.

     Mankind's thinking has gotten him/her into trouble since the beginning of time.  Thinking goes against the desire of God who wants us to let Him do the thinking for us.  He does have all the answers and makes sure that we function well and bring glory and honor and praise to Him who holds the entire world in his hands.  It's 5:15 AM and I'm on my second cup of strong coffee.  My resistance is down and God is able to speak and I'm able to hear.  That doesn't always happen.  When this takes place, blessings follow.  When I thwart the plan God has for me I lose the potential blessings.  The Bible is full of "thinking" verses and I'm aware of that fact.  However, the Bible has even more verses on doing.  The Bible gives us a snapshot of what either choice results in for me and for those around me.  Part of our mentality is based on the thought that when things get screwed up we don't want to go down alone.  Certainly that was in the mind of Eve after she had eaten of the fruit and then took some to Adam.  Thinking can get you and all future generations in a lot of trouble. 
     Philosophers like Rene Descartes think too much.  He said, "I think, therefore I am."  That's not really true for the Christian because we know that God has created us and that is why we are.  Thinking takes us away from the awe inspired moments when God reaches through time and space and is creating in you an I.  There are lots of examples when we don't necessarily "think" but rather just "do."  For instance, when you are driving there are all sorts of things going on that are there naturally as well as supernaturally.  I see the car in front of me put on their brakes.  So I put on my brakes.  For some unknown reason you switch lanes and find yourself outside the confines of a break down or accident.  There is a mixture of God's programming and your adherence to what he tells you to do.  I'm sure some philosopher said "thinking doesn't hurts".  Yes, it can and does.
     Throughout the Bible we are called as God's people to "do."  The final instruction of Jesus to the disciples was that they should go out into the world and make disciples of all mankind.  The result of this is we go.  We don't just do it when it's convenient to us.  We intentionally do what he asks and everything is good.  Not just for us but for those who are attached to us as well.  God told Abraham to "Go."  God told Jeremiah to "Go".  God told David to "Go".  God told Mary and Joseph to "Go".  God told the disciples to "Go".  And they all went.  They didn't go alone though.  Why?  Because they all needed the wisdom of God.  Our wisdom is finite but God's wisdom is infinite.  When I think, limitations on what God wants automatically come up.  When I recount the many times I chose to think rather than allowing God to do the think I'm reminded that my choice at best was second best. 
     By the way coffee doesn't help us in this area.  Obedience to the Word does.

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