Sunday, July 19, 2015


     Why Am I Talking?  Awkward silences almost always do me in.  SOMETHING needs to be said to break the silence, make the tension go away, or just to get life moving again.  There are times when not waiting have hindered what God was doing in the moment.  There are times when the moment has come and went with our not doing or saying what God wanted.  Talking often gets in the way of communication hindering anything that may actually be going on in the situation.  I do have some pet peeves that you probably share as well.  People completing my thought for me (often wrongly).  People talking over me or minimizing what I am saying.  People correcting how I pronounce a word even though they know good and well what I am saying and meaning.  I imagine that I have been just as guilty of all three with others as well.  This is especially true when I don't WAIT.  Asking myself why am I talking brings me to a place where I can look at, pray about and understand whether my talking is positive or not.  Acronyms abound in life.  We rarely take an acronym and incorporate that thought into our lives.  I'm hoping I can do better with this one and hope you can too. 
     The first thought that comes to my mind when I think of WAIT:  "Is what I am saying what God wants me to say?"  Is it me talking or the Holy Spirit talking through me?  Have I begun and remained in my day a willing recipient of God's word to me and through me?  I confess that this is not always the case.  Why?  Because I didn't remain silent long enough when I began the day to enable me to listen to the voice of God.  There it is again!  We hate the times of silence in our lives.  Do we really want to slow down our lives and take the time to listen to the voice of God when there are so many things we have busied ourselves with all day long?  Is getting out the door so I can get to my coffee stand in time to make it to work before the boss walks in more important than stopping and praying?  Listening?  Why am I talking?  If I'm talking without the guidance of God then more than likely I'll be talking from Steve's point of view and not God's point of view.  Preparation also includes knowing what the voice of God sounds like.  This requires us to know the Word and to be able to discern whether what is being said to us is from God or Satan.
     The second thought that comes to my mind regarding WAIT is whether what I'm saying is about me or not.  Does my story, experience or desire come out with no regard for others.  People tire of the one who spends time trying to transform others into likenesses of ourselves.  Probably because we as Christians aren't supposed to be drawing attention to ourselves but rather pointing other's sight toward Jesus.  Opinions are many and expressed in ways that say, "I am right and if you do what I say you can be right too."  Opinions other than those of Scripture, God's voice and that of Godly men and women seem to be the guide of the church more than Scripture and God are.  Well, it's okay to practice this sin because, well everyone does it anyway.  No, Scripture and God haven't changed.  Sin is still sin and is still separation from the love of God found in Christ Jesus.  Opinions formed by me are not necessarily worth listening to.  Why am I talking?
     Casting our pearls before swine we talk but no one is listening.  No one is home!  Have you ever been in a conversation where all of a sudden you notice that your "listener" has a glazed over look in their eyes?  Perhaps you shouldn't be talking.  Not because what you have to say isn't important; but rather what you have to say has taken too long to say.  People have agendas, schedules and other people to talk with.  Your endless droning on  and on only cements their belief that you should be avoided completely when they see you coming in the future.  What is it you really are saying and why are you saying it?  Discerning whether or not our pearls (the Gospel) will be received or is being received allows us to determine whether or not we talk or not.  People talk to hear themselves talk and often miss the point that as Christians life is not about them.  Why am I talking?
     Why AM I Talking should be a standard for everyone both believer and non.  What we think versus what God directs are often diametrically opposed.  What we say versus what God says often compromises the Gospel.  When this occurs people who believe in nothing will fall for anything.  This leads us to the how we act and react.  For those who desire the will of God in their lives in order to bring the Gospel to others thinking and believing is not enough.  When we are done thinking and believing we still need to do something.  People who's actions don't match their words lose their integrity.  When your integrity is gone, so is the opportunity to share Christ.  People will see and hear what you are doing and saying in your daily lives and know the truth doesn't live within you. 
     Why Am I Talking necessitates we listen to others.  People want to know how much we care and how we express that care.  Why Am I Talking?  Good question.

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