Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's none of my business.

     It's none of my business what others think of me if I am living as God has asked me to live.  It's none of my business what the world thinks of my convictions if I am living my convictions daily.  It's none of my business what my boss thinks of me if I am working as unto the Lord.  It's none of my business what my wife, kids and family think about me if I am honoring Christ in all areas of my life.  It's none of my business what the world will try to do to me and to those I love if I truly believe that nothing can separate me from the Love of God.  It's none of my business what Satan throws my way if I truly believe that God has already defeated Satan on the Cross.  So, why would I make it my business?
     Basically put, we all want to be the god of our own world.  We want the control and the positive outcome but not the negative outcome.  We want the best of both worlds but end up losing the best for what we settle for.  We want to be exempt from pain and suffering, ethical dilemmas, and dismal failure.  We want all sorts of things and miss out on those things that we need.  We need is more important than we want.  I may want a new riding mower; but I don't need one.  I may want a new car, house, toy or whatever.  However, I don't need them.  I may want instant this or that (including wealth) but don't need them.  Chasing after our wants eliminates the celebration of our needs being met.  It's none of my business but if you are missing the boat as I needed to help you get on board?
     My boat is small.  Actually I am talking metaphorically because I don't have a boat physically.  I do have a boat that I'm to stay in until it reaches the distant shore.  My boat came equipped with everything I would need to complete the journey.  I was gifted my boat in October of 1974 when I surrendered my raft I was cling to for the new shinny state of the art boat that Jesus gave me.  I didn't have to buy it.  I didn't have to work for it.  I didn't even have to beg for it.  It was a gift.  The journey begins when you first step into the boat and it leaves the mainland.  Your boat is where you discover what God made you for.  What your purpose was and what your fulfillment looked like.  As you travel on the journey you find that all you needed for reading was the Bible.  Guess what?!  It's the only book on the boat!  AND you can read it anytime you want!  Can it get any better than this?  Yes, but wait, there is more!  On the boat there is the continual presence of the Holy Spirit to guide you into God's truth and to fit you for service to Him.
     Unfortunately there are many in the world who miss the boat.  Perhaps they miss the boat because they see no need for the boat like they see no need for oxygen because they cannot see the oxygen.  Yet, life would stop without oxygen.  Eternity in heaven is missed without a boat to get there.  It's none of my business but many have chosen to miss the boat even after discovering that the boat was waiting for them.  Rather than be blessed and have their needs met by God they have turned their backs on him and become the god of their world.  It's my business to repeat the first paragraph daily and to bring the Gospel to a perishing world.  There aren't enough boats being exposed today.  How about you expose the boat you are in?

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