Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What to do when...

     There are a lot of scenarios which that beginning statement can be set.  For the Christian the statement is both very simple and complex.  Simple in that we are to call upon the Lord for any and all situations.  Complex because we have the desire to run our lives the way we choose.  You would think that knowing the God of the universe would help us to just simply depend on him and his solutions to the elements of our lives that are both positive and negative.  Not so for me at least.  I know what the Bible says, what I have witnessed in my life and the lives of others and the promises given to us by the Lord.  When I set aside all of that and try to move through life the question gets really messed up!  Instead of "What to do when..." I find myself asking; "How do I get out of this mess?"  Does anyone else find themselves in the same boat?
     You would think that 61 years of living would have made an impact on my life.  Those years have made an impact on my life.  I was 20 when I met Jesus.  My early faith was simple and I relished my relationship with Jesus and other believers.  My first nature was to go to God with everything first and to simply step out of the way letting Him work what he wished through my life.  Over time the cares of the world began to push Jesus out of the way (by my choice) and I fell into the trap of being contented with what the world had to offer.  Eventually I chose to disobey God at just about every level.  By the time of my 61st birthday I had left a path of destruction where I should have been leaving a path of blessing.  "What to do when..."
     I'm not saying that everything I did in my life was evil.  Nor am I saying that God didn't work in spite of me.  What I am saying is that my life became less than.  Less than what God had waiting to bless me with should I come to my senses.  Less than others deserved from someone who professed faith in Jesus.  Less than those who didn't know Jesus received from a believer who was and is tasked with bring the Gospel to a lost people.  Getting to the "What to do when..." question is a daily choice.  If I engage in other questions and miss this one then my life is "less than".  The answer to the "What to do when..." question is always turn to God.  In many cases "return" to God.  The constant is that we put ourselves again at the feet of Jesus and simply do that which he desires. 
     I make my life harder than it need be.  I'm sure that many of you reading this can recognize this in yourselves as well.  Today is the day to get back to basics.  What are the basics?  That we turn to God in all circumstances regardless how simple or complex.  Being intimate with God so that we can hear his voice depends upon our surrender to and love for Jesus.  What to do when we are in a good space?  Turn to God.  What to do when we are in a bad space. Turn to God.  The answer is always the same.  It's the questions that change

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