Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's such a small thing to ask.

     Have you ever stopped yourself from asking because you thought it was petty or not worth the bother?  Has pride or embarrassment stopped your asking for the small things in life?  Then you are in good company.  Been there and done that over and over.  Just why do we do this?  Part of that answer is in how we were raised.  Not just in the messages given to us, but also the messages implied.  For instance, you never ask someone who is angry.  You also don't ask someone who doesn't have the ability to give.
     Part of our problem is the size of the request.  The smaller the request, the less likely we will ask.  The type of the request is also important.  The more embarrassing the request the less likely we will ask.  Bottom like is we base our asking on the faith we have.  Not just faith in the one being asked but our faith in God.  We might do well to ask for guidance in all things small.  Jesus said that we can approach him with ALL our needs and he will hear us.  When we don't ask, we tell God that we don't think he can help.
     There have been so many times I have asked for small things and have received.  You would think that I would have learned that asking for the small thing was not just okay but what a loving God would like to have us do.  There have been many people who have echoed the same story.  I know I am not alone.  Just what is it that hinders this area of our lives?  Why can't we just fully rely on a loving and giving God?
     We seem able to ask for our children, spouse, close friends and family.  We don't have a loss of words for someone else and their need.  Why not?  Do we seem selfish if we are asking for our need?  It would seem that we have faith in God for others.  Why not for you?  Why not for me?  I'd like to suggest that we can believe for others but not for ourselves.  No, that doesn't make sense.  So what is it then that drives our inaction.  Are you like me and sometimes believe that we don't deserve that which we lack? 
     Sometimes we think God doesn't hear us or cannot be bothered with all else that is going on in our lives.  We don't want to think of ourselves as being dependent upon another.  Jesus says we should be as little children.  How have the little children in and around your life asked and received?  We want our children to have a faith in God that includes the small stuff all the while denying ourselves the same from God.  It doesn't make any sense to me.  So, what needs to take place to bring ourselves closer to what God desires for us?
     It's in believing that we have our answer.  We need to believe God wants us to have all of our needs.  Needs, not wants.  We need to believe that God has our best interests at heart.  We need to believe with faith.  Many people believe that because they are sinners they don't or won't receive answers to their prayers.  It's a lie, of course, from Satan.  Here is my suggestion.  First get yourself a notebook.  Second, begin writing down every request you send to God.  Third, write down the date ad time when you are made aware that the prayer request was answered.  Fourth, suggest this to others. Fifth, watch your faith mature and the faith of others to mature.  Sixth, make sure your family or close friends know you are doing this.  They will be waiting to see what God does.  He never disappoints. 
     Well, it's such a small thing.  I suppose I could do it.  Just do it!

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