Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Christian excess Part 2

     Christian excess isn't just about the spare shirt or two in your closet.  Nor is it about that food you throw away every week.  Neither is Christian excess about that spare car, tent, boat, or whatever you have stored under that tarp in the back yard.  Those things are all subject to what I wrote yesterday.  If you haven't read yesterday's post, do so now.  Welcome back!  Christians in the free countries of the world have very little idea of how precious the Word is.  In our homes we have Bibles collecting dust while there are places around the world where there are no copies of the Bible.  In one Russian village many years ago there was 1 Bible amongst the congregation.  Being caught with the Bible would result in it's destruction and the person's imprisonment.  The Christians in that home church tore apart the Bible, handed out sections to everyone that could read and had them memorize the Word...or at least their part of the Word.  When a Scripture was needed the person with that section would rise and quote the Bible for the rest.  They were the Bible to each other and to their world.  The community of God came together in the harsh reality of their world and proclaimed the Gospel as one body because all were needed to present all the Scripture.  They were the Word of God to each other and to those they shared the Gospel with.
     Christians today know more about their own world than they do the Bible.  Many Christians have never memorized a single Scripture and have little desire to do so.  How can the preach if they don't know the Word?  How can the people hear if the Word isn't spoken?  How can others be saved if the Word doesn't go out because of Biblical ignorance?  The Bible tells us to be ready to give account of the hope that is within us at any moment.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The Bible tells us to share the Word with the lost so that they can believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved in his name.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The Bible says that we will be brought in front of many who will demand to know what we believe.  Did you know the Bible said that?  Would you be able to share the Word with others with what you know?  Maybe you have that lie going that says, "It's not my job."  Wrong!  It is your job if you have given your life to Jesus.  It's with the Word that we can fight the spiritual fight with the enemy.  You have the authority in the name of Jesus to do this and greater things through our faith in Him.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The world doesn't need to hear the millionaire preachers (actually heretics) twisting Scripture for their own personal gain.  The world doesn't need "another gospel" which isn't a gospel at all in order to be part of their special group.  The world doesn't need the many books pontificating what a person believes.  The world needs the Gospel of Jesus through you!
     My orchard is heavy laden with apples so much so that when the branches move in the breeze they fall to the ground where I gather them, process them and give them away to those in need.  I have my pantry filled and the rest is excess.  So it is with the Word that lives within us.  Our needs are taken care of so we don't need to be distracted with taking care of our own needs.  We don't need to do repetitious prayer as some do because we have a God who heard our hearts cry before we prayed and has sent his answer before the words of our supplication pass over our lips.  We don't need to become "more educated" to share the word of God.  How complex is "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."  Even children can understand that!  Even children can pass that excess in their lives on to others.  Through the mouths of babes come the wisdom of the ages.  If God uses little children then how much more does he want to use you?  Your excess is all areas of your life are the witness of the Word of God.  Keeping it to yourself is a sin.  You have been commanded to give away your faith so that some might believe and be saved.  You have excess faith, understanding, and the love of God.  Why haven't you given it away?  The orphan and the widow are waiting.

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