Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jesus had friends long before Twitter or Facebook!

     The difference is huge though.  With Twitter and Facebook or any other social media site we can say we have friends and even call them that but we don't know them and they don't know us.  We like it that way just fine.  Thinking we have 2000 friends out there who care about us is folly.  Thinking that one day we will go and visit them is folly.  Thinking we will have a wonderful Twitter or Facebook reunion is also folly.  AND we like it that way.  We like to pass on smiles, tidbits and other stuff imaginary or real thinking that everyone wants to know this or that about our lives.  We insert information into our "friends" lives thinking they listen to our advice and have a better life because of us being their "friend".  And so we, like they, are deceived  and live lives of solitude and isolation ignoring those right in front of our eyes.  You understand that this is a generalization and yet you recognize some of it's tenants to be true for you and your "friends".  People keep track of others and yet are distant enough to not hold or be held accountable to anyone.  We can say anything online and no one knows the difference.  Or so we think.  That's on the one hand.
     On the other hand is Jesus.  I could just stop there but won't.  Jesus came to earth for us.  Not just to have an online or church relationship with the belief that our relationship with him isn't complete unless we are in church or with Christians 24/7.  Jesus came to accept, love and approve you and I.  He came to be friends with all who call upon his name.  The Bible tells us that we can have a deep personal relationship with Jesus and so we sing the song "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" with each other and to Him.  Unlike our online friends Jesus knows everything about our past, present and future and cares about us.  Because of his work on the cross on behalf of his friends you and I have the assurance that we are loved with the incredible love of God that passes all understanding.  Because of Jesus' friendship with us sinners, we know peace and grace intimately.  Not one of his friends is capable of being without sin.  AND he still loves them with the same love he had before we were born.  Jesus sees the whole person and continues to want a friendship that is closer than a brother.  Yet, we choose to ignore that friendship to engage in friendships in social  media with people who don't know us. 
     Thinking ourselves to be wise, we prove ourselves to be fools.  Scammers and demons (same thing?) are waiting on social media to take from whomever they choose everything they can get even your and my identity.  Jesus doesn't do that and once he is living in and through us, no one and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.  The stories of those who have lost to Satan goes on and on.  No one is safe from his attacks or so we think.  Should we let Jesus live in and through us, the devil isn't able to do anything to or with him.  It's when we live according to the worlds view that we succumb to the wiles of the devil.  The Bible tells us that the demons roam the earth seeking those they can deceive.  The Bible tells us that when we have Jesus as our savior that no one or anything can snatch us away from Him.  There are many times my life has appeared to have gone to hell in a hand basket.  There are many times I've walked away from the will of God and committed sins against God later confessing and receiving forgiveness.  Sometimes I feel like the negative I've done is so great that it negates the good that Jesus has done through me.  That's a lie from Satan.  The Bible tells us that for the believer "all things work for good for those who love
God and are called according to His purpose."  Remember, it's always your choice.  Who's your friend"?

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