This subject has been reflected on from the extremes of both ends of the spectrum. Mostly wrongly though. As a Christian with a mental disorder I'm sensitive to the many other Christians who have illnesses and disorders. There is ample Scripture that addresses these and render remedies for them. I cannot remember a time in my life when I wasn't depressed even though it didn't show to others. Nor can I remember ever being without PTSD since the age of 5 or 6. I've had injuries over the years that account for many other episodes where my PTSD was impacted and as a result my depression as well. My life has been good but is an incredible story of the survival of a small boy to old man. Thank you God! It's not thanks to those around me. Though I've had some wonderful therapists and have had great results, the imprint on my soul is great and I'm not free from those issues. People have prayed for me, laid hands on me, and encouraged me to "just get over it." Those were the Christian responses. Growing up in the 50's and 60's was interesting to say the least. Some Christian groups believed that mental illness and disorders were demonic possession or at least demonic oppression. But then why does the Bible talk about persevering in light of our affliction. Many characters in the Bible talk about the woes in their lives and burdens that just don't go away. Jesus expressed the gambit of emotional responses as well. The proof is in the pudding they say. Jesus wrestled and was tempted just as you and I are. At least that's what the Bible says.
People have many responses to their particular circumstances. Some play the blame game. Some hide their symptoms. Some use their illness or disorder to capitalize on the system. Some acknowledge their situation and go on with life doing the best they can. Some people pray for and are delivered from their illness and disorders. Some overcome and go on with life despite what is going on in their lives. Others simply have had enough and commit suicide. What you do with your illness and/or disorder will be different from others. Choosing to lay it before the Lord is the first priority of the Christian. The biggest obstacle to the Christian with their illness or disorder are the Christian brothers and sisters who have the best of intentions about something they simply know nothing about. Instead of support and listening, there is condemnation and gossip., I'd like to note that it's the church's responsibility to be Jesus to all of us who have illnesses and disorders. How that is expressed is sometimes surprising. Perhaps one reason the illnesses and diseases are here is to actually see if we will act like Jesus towards others. Will we be Jesus to the demon possessed? Will we be Jesus to the oppressed? Will we be Jesus to the woman at the well or the woman caught in adultery? Will we be Jesus to the world? If we are not understanding and are condemning then we don't have the love of Jesus living in us.
I would agree that our own choices and the choices of others have brought about illnesses and disorders from generation to generation. Some illnesses are now in our DNA such as schizophrenia. Passed on through the generations with no cure in sight. Some disorders are perpetuated from generation to generation because we haven't the where withal to change our learned behaviors. Some disorders are there at birth and have been inside the persons life since before they were born. Why is that? I've asked many of these questions. I've studied them and found there to be one common denominator. Whether or not they are self inflicted or allowed by God, all these illnesses and disorders for the Christian are meant to bring glory to God. That seems like a pat answer and people tend to do the blame game rather than understand that despite their situation, they are to bring glory to God in ALL their lives. That includes me. I don't always do a good job and neither do you, What we do have is choice. We can choose to let the illness and disorder to impact us from the world's perspective or from God's perspective. It's, after all, always your choice.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Christian political correctness.
When we encounter the God of the universe, we do so with reverence and respect. Why? Because he created us, our world and everything in our world. There are many who would disagree with this and argue that time changes and so does our knowledge and definition of everything about God and his world. This includes us, his creation. If I agreed with them then we would both be wrong! God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He existed since eternity past and will exist for eternity future. There, according to the Bible, is no shadow of turning in him, the Holy Spirit and the Son. However, it's not true about mankind whom he has created in his image. We are quite the rascals gone astray on practically everything you can imagine. God even said so to Jeremiah stating that they (the people) had done things that even he hadn't imagined they would do. The people had been sacrificing their children to idols. That's no different than sacrificing children today in abortion clinics in the name of being our own god. We don't give life, God does. We don't take life, God does. But onto political correctness and the Christian.
I could simply state that there is no political correctness in the Christian's life since the beginning of time. I would immediately be in trouble with most Christians today. Taking the time to make amends or to honor one group over another. Using "inclusive language" when we are all included in the same category (dead in our sins until redeemed). Rewording the Bible because it doesn't fit mankind's new way of thinking. The list could go on and on. God is a masculine figure. The Father is not a woman or asexual. The Son is masculine and is fully God. The Holy Spirit is a comforter who both directs the Christians life and draws those who have heard the Word. Sin is sin according to many parts of the Bible. Sin is always against God even when we perpetrate sin against our fellow Christian and non-Christian. There are no arbitrary, negotiable or demands that we can take to change what the Bible says. Paul and John both stated that if we take away from the Bible our names will be taken away from the book of life. They both go on to say that if we add to the Bible we add to ourselves the plagues of God. We don't want either of them. Tolerance of those who live lives contrary to the Word is nonsense! Even if they are Christian, we are to not tolerate them, their words, or their actions. But wait, there's more!
The Bible is not for debate. We are not to apologize for what it says. We are to be ready in and out of season to give a reason for the hope that is within us. Don't apologize for your faith! The Bible says that the Word is foolishness to those who are perishing. Don't apologize for your faith. Fear of political correctness in the homes, work and leisure parts of our lives is nothing short of apologizing for what the Bible instructs as true. We either stand for the Trinity and the Word of God or we don't. That's it. Nothing more should even be considered. We may think we are doing the will of God by being politically correct or tolerant, but we aren't. We even have pastors and other church leaders that lead the people of God astray teaching all kinds of false things to further the devils cause. In the end, it won't matter what your believe but rather if you believe what God has provided to you. In the end, it won't matter what you do if it's not what God wants you to do. In the end, all will be what we have surrendered to God for the furtherance of the Gospel so that some may be saved. In the end, don't be so caught up believing what the world thinks and lose your soul. It's always your choice. Remember?
I could simply state that there is no political correctness in the Christian's life since the beginning of time. I would immediately be in trouble with most Christians today. Taking the time to make amends or to honor one group over another. Using "inclusive language" when we are all included in the same category (dead in our sins until redeemed). Rewording the Bible because it doesn't fit mankind's new way of thinking. The list could go on and on. God is a masculine figure. The Father is not a woman or asexual. The Son is masculine and is fully God. The Holy Spirit is a comforter who both directs the Christians life and draws those who have heard the Word. Sin is sin according to many parts of the Bible. Sin is always against God even when we perpetrate sin against our fellow Christian and non-Christian. There are no arbitrary, negotiable or demands that we can take to change what the Bible says. Paul and John both stated that if we take away from the Bible our names will be taken away from the book of life. They both go on to say that if we add to the Bible we add to ourselves the plagues of God. We don't want either of them. Tolerance of those who live lives contrary to the Word is nonsense! Even if they are Christian, we are to not tolerate them, their words, or their actions. But wait, there's more!
The Bible is not for debate. We are not to apologize for what it says. We are to be ready in and out of season to give a reason for the hope that is within us. Don't apologize for your faith! The Bible says that the Word is foolishness to those who are perishing. Don't apologize for your faith. Fear of political correctness in the homes, work and leisure parts of our lives is nothing short of apologizing for what the Bible instructs as true. We either stand for the Trinity and the Word of God or we don't. That's it. Nothing more should even be considered. We may think we are doing the will of God by being politically correct or tolerant, but we aren't. We even have pastors and other church leaders that lead the people of God astray teaching all kinds of false things to further the devils cause. In the end, it won't matter what your believe but rather if you believe what God has provided to you. In the end, it won't matter what you do if it's not what God wants you to do. In the end, all will be what we have surrendered to God for the furtherance of the Gospel so that some may be saved. In the end, don't be so caught up believing what the world thinks and lose your soul. It's always your choice. Remember?
Friday, April 28, 2017
I'm not one to complain, but...
I do. I'm not proud of that fact but rather am just stating the facts. I complain and whine and even have thrown fits because of my complaints. It's not Christian like...or is it? Remember Jesus as he went to the temple? He was upset to say the least! The Bible tells us that he took the time to weave together a whip. I've woven rope before from twine. It takes time and finesse. You can see him across from the temple entrance sitting on a doorstep with strands of leather weaving them together to form a whip. I don't know how long it was but it was long enough to chase the money changers from the temple. He finishes the whip and probably tests it out before he faces the crowd that has gathered. They part as he walks through them to the temple entrance. From there it's all action with few words. He lashes out with the whip and chases the money changers from the temple entrance. He overturns their wares and lets their animals free. Pandemonium ensues as everything that has breath leaves the temple entrance. The crowd and the disciples (who were also watching) are in a state of shock. Jesus addresses them and then walks away. No one even tried to stop him. His was the righteous anger of God. Don't try this at home!
My petty issues that I complain about simply don't measure up to the righteous anger of God. They certainly don't merit my getting angry even if it's a just cause. Yet, I complain and do become angry. Moses did that when he came down from the mountain breaking the two tablets with the ten commandments. He had just been given the ten commandments and his first action was to break one of them even before the people had heard them! There are so many actors in the Bible that failed like I fail. I wouldn't have the room to document them here or even in a book. We look around ourselves and there are countless Christians who also fit the bill. We are not alone. We are alone in our reaction and redress of the issues. The question looms, "What about our actions and words would encourage others to love Jesus? Peter cut the ear off the person coming to get Jesus for his death and resurrection. Wrong! My own history is not so great if I focus only on the negative. Yet, there is, like Peter, so many times we have been effective in spreading the Gospel and seeing the Holy Spirit draw people into repentance. It's all about God. Unless it's righteous anger it's not from God. If it's not from God, it's sin. We need to acknowledge that fact, repent and move on.
It's not easy though. The issues are clear. First we do know what is right and what is wrong. Secondly, we know that we are to do what is right. Third, we know that God will take what we do right and use it for His purpose. His purpose is to see as many saved as possible before he returns to defeat the enemy. These things we know and yet, I complain. You complain. Pastors complain. Everyone complains about something somewhere and somehow. It's a fact. The only solution is to focus on Jesus and do his will. People need to see that we are human and yet know we represent the living and Holy God. People will read the book that is our life over the Bible and make decisions based on how we act, talk and walk. Wouldn't you? I need to and can do better. You can as well. It begins with our willingness to be reading the Bible, praying and applying God's word to our lives. Keep the complaints between you and God in prayer and when calmed down, address why the complaint is there in the first place. There is a beginning and an end that rely on our action. What we do dictates whether or now we are an effective disciple of Christ. Knowing this we are left with a choice. What will we do? Remember it's always your choice.
My petty issues that I complain about simply don't measure up to the righteous anger of God. They certainly don't merit my getting angry even if it's a just cause. Yet, I complain and do become angry. Moses did that when he came down from the mountain breaking the two tablets with the ten commandments. He had just been given the ten commandments and his first action was to break one of them even before the people had heard them! There are so many actors in the Bible that failed like I fail. I wouldn't have the room to document them here or even in a book. We look around ourselves and there are countless Christians who also fit the bill. We are not alone. We are alone in our reaction and redress of the issues. The question looms, "What about our actions and words would encourage others to love Jesus? Peter cut the ear off the person coming to get Jesus for his death and resurrection. Wrong! My own history is not so great if I focus only on the negative. Yet, there is, like Peter, so many times we have been effective in spreading the Gospel and seeing the Holy Spirit draw people into repentance. It's all about God. Unless it's righteous anger it's not from God. If it's not from God, it's sin. We need to acknowledge that fact, repent and move on.
It's not easy though. The issues are clear. First we do know what is right and what is wrong. Secondly, we know that we are to do what is right. Third, we know that God will take what we do right and use it for His purpose. His purpose is to see as many saved as possible before he returns to defeat the enemy. These things we know and yet, I complain. You complain. Pastors complain. Everyone complains about something somewhere and somehow. It's a fact. The only solution is to focus on Jesus and do his will. People need to see that we are human and yet know we represent the living and Holy God. People will read the book that is our life over the Bible and make decisions based on how we act, talk and walk. Wouldn't you? I need to and can do better. You can as well. It begins with our willingness to be reading the Bible, praying and applying God's word to our lives. Keep the complaints between you and God in prayer and when calmed down, address why the complaint is there in the first place. There is a beginning and an end that rely on our action. What we do dictates whether or now we are an effective disciple of Christ. Knowing this we are left with a choice. What will we do? Remember it's always your choice.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
A Letter To You From Satan
COME ON, Fool, let's burn together forever. I've got some |
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Not all who wander are lost!
I've been a wanderer and I've been lost. Maybe you have as well. I like to explore and that alone can cause concern for my knowing where I've ended up. If I don't have a destination but am just wandering I don't suppose that I can get lost. Not like when I wander away from my firsts love, Jesus. Whenever I wander away from his plan for my life; I am truly lost until I get back on that narrow road. In the spiritual sense I was lost before He found me. I wouldn't have told you that before he found me. Afterwards I knew how lost I was. That's the perspective we have though. It's not until after that we realize that we have wandered and are lost. Whereas in my wanderings around a village, forest, or other places here on earth, I wander and never really am lost as there is no end to my wandering. Discovery around every corner compels me to go yet another mile and see this or that and experience the thrill of knowing. But I'm not lost! I know a lot of wanderers who aren't lost. Some lose themselves in their mental wanderings. Some lose themselves in their physical wanderings. Regardless, we all wander in one way or another. So also in our spiritual lives. We don't know we are wandering and lost until he calls us and we are made aware of just where we've been and where our journey has taken us. The Christian is called to be able to pick up and go wherever God wants us to go, say what he wants us to say and be the person Jesus lives through. As long as we are "there" we aren't lost and yet can wander.
Christian wandering can be very beneficial when we are about His business. Being about His business means we are on a set course where we can't be lost. God has given and protected our ability to exercise free will. That is great when we are in His will. Pathetic when we have wandered from Him. Like the Prodigal Son, we think and that's where we get into trouble. We think we can wander and no harm, no foul. We move on down the road looking for what we shouldn't and cling to that which is forbidden for us to have Christ living in us. We are to be the light to the lost and not living in darkness. It's such a simple formula and yet I screw it up so many times in my life. It's with the best of intentions that we transition from wandering and become the prodigal son or daughter. My first trip to Chicago was exciting! I fell in love with the city when I stepped off the plane and still love to be there. On that first trip I rented a car and after a meeting I took to exploring thinking I knew where I was going. It was becoming dark and the neighborhood was just as dark. I finally stopped on a corner and talked to the only living person on the street. She looked at me and before I could ask for directions told me that I was obviously lost. It turned out I was in the heart of the worst part of the south side of Chicago. With her directions I was soon on a freeway taking me back to my hotel. That lesson has stayed with me. Sometimes when you wander you really are lost!
The process of going to wandering and lost is often subtle and occurs through time and events. We tend to put our toe into the mixture and see which way the stream is flowing. Then goes the foot followed by the leg and eventually we are in the stream up to our necks and realize we are not on solid ground anymore. We come to our senses and return to that place that is safe and yet we can still wander with Christ through the mazes of life touching souls as we encounter each other. Some throw up their hands and just remain lost while others throw up their hands and are found. We tend to take baby steps to lost and then wonder why we are there. Like the frog placed in the pot of cold water and then staying there after the heat is turned on; we too see our spiritual life in Christ dying because we have wandered away. Our witness suffers and sometimes is snuffed out by our choice. The question is whether or not others see Christ in us or not. In the state of being lost, there is no evidence that Christ is there. It's when we are found that we can display our faith with any credibility. Life is a journey... Wander with Christ... Don't get lost... It's always your choice.
Christian wandering can be very beneficial when we are about His business. Being about His business means we are on a set course where we can't be lost. God has given and protected our ability to exercise free will. That is great when we are in His will. Pathetic when we have wandered from Him. Like the Prodigal Son, we think and that's where we get into trouble. We think we can wander and no harm, no foul. We move on down the road looking for what we shouldn't and cling to that which is forbidden for us to have Christ living in us. We are to be the light to the lost and not living in darkness. It's such a simple formula and yet I screw it up so many times in my life. It's with the best of intentions that we transition from wandering and become the prodigal son or daughter. My first trip to Chicago was exciting! I fell in love with the city when I stepped off the plane and still love to be there. On that first trip I rented a car and after a meeting I took to exploring thinking I knew where I was going. It was becoming dark and the neighborhood was just as dark. I finally stopped on a corner and talked to the only living person on the street. She looked at me and before I could ask for directions told me that I was obviously lost. It turned out I was in the heart of the worst part of the south side of Chicago. With her directions I was soon on a freeway taking me back to my hotel. That lesson has stayed with me. Sometimes when you wander you really are lost!
The process of going to wandering and lost is often subtle and occurs through time and events. We tend to put our toe into the mixture and see which way the stream is flowing. Then goes the foot followed by the leg and eventually we are in the stream up to our necks and realize we are not on solid ground anymore. We come to our senses and return to that place that is safe and yet we can still wander with Christ through the mazes of life touching souls as we encounter each other. Some throw up their hands and just remain lost while others throw up their hands and are found. We tend to take baby steps to lost and then wonder why we are there. Like the frog placed in the pot of cold water and then staying there after the heat is turned on; we too see our spiritual life in Christ dying because we have wandered away. Our witness suffers and sometimes is snuffed out by our choice. The question is whether or not others see Christ in us or not. In the state of being lost, there is no evidence that Christ is there. It's when we are found that we can display our faith with any credibility. Life is a journey... Wander with Christ... Don't get lost... It's always your choice.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
I don't like conflict
All my life has been surrounded by conflict much like Jesus was always engaged in conflict. The difference between he and I can be found in my seemingly seeking conflict while Jesus was himself and conflict sought him. Conflict can be and is necessary from time to time. Jesus warns of this throughout his ministry years here with us. His life was consumed with overcoming on our behalf so the conflict was beneficial to you and I. My conflict, on the other hand, had done more damage than it has good. Don't feel badly for me as the conflict is often God's hand being played out in my life. The conflict is used to determine my readiness for handling the Christian conflict that arises in all of our lives. Some people pretend their way though conflict believing if nothing is said or done that the conflict will somehow disappear. Some people play the blame game and avoid dealing with the conflict in that manner. Some people engage the conflict and stand up for what they believe believing the their world will be better if they take this action. Some people lay conflict at the cross of Jesus and let him handle the conflict through whatever means. I've seen myself in all of these over the years. The last one is the only one that really works. Why? Because God can do what I can't.
Maybe conflict for you is engaged every day all day. Maybe conflict is infrequent and simply put to rest. Maybe conflict isn't understood by you and it bounces off the walls of your brain making you more frustrated every time it does. Maybe you were no taught how to handle conflict when you were growing up. I wasn't. Learning how to identify conflict allowed by God versus conflict inflicted by the world we live in is the big beginning. Differentiating between the two helps you and I to separate our battles over which can be won and which should be abandoned. While it's true that Jesus promised that as believers we would be persecuted, he doesn't say the persecution needs to continue. As we walk in the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to better exercise our Christian faith and make choices that Jesus would make. One of my problem areas is I don't usually keep my mouth closed like Jesus did. Maybe you suffer from that as well? Living the Christian life doesn't mean we won't be in conflictual relationship with other believers. Jesus was in similar situations with his own hand picked 12. Living the Christian life means we are contrary to the world we live in leaving conflict a definite part of life with others.
So, how do we handle conflict both in the Christian world and in the secular world as well? Do we continue on doing what we have been doing expecting different outcomes? That's insanity. Do we avoid, escape, or otherwise dodge the conflict and expect it to go away? That doesn't work either. I'd like to suggest that the first step is to acknowledge that conflict will come and go. What we do first is important. First is to bring it before God, his Word and the Holy Spirit. Then to simply do what God would have us to do. There are times when we are to engage conflict while at the same time avoid other conflicts that come our way. Part of the equations is to determine which conflict is necessary and which is not. When we separate conflict in this manner we can "put away" the unnecessary conflict and just deal with the necessary conflict. The second step is to see what the Bible has to say regarding about conflict. As far as possible, be at peace with all mankind is how one author put it. Sometimes peace comes in the morning after the conflict. Sometimes God takes care of the conflict for us by his hand. In all the ways of living with conflict we need to remember that there are choices and positive and negative consequences. Go for the positive. Go for life! But don't compromise the Christian life that God has given you and I. Remember it's always your choice.
Maybe conflict for you is engaged every day all day. Maybe conflict is infrequent and simply put to rest. Maybe conflict isn't understood by you and it bounces off the walls of your brain making you more frustrated every time it does. Maybe you were no taught how to handle conflict when you were growing up. I wasn't. Learning how to identify conflict allowed by God versus conflict inflicted by the world we live in is the big beginning. Differentiating between the two helps you and I to separate our battles over which can be won and which should be abandoned. While it's true that Jesus promised that as believers we would be persecuted, he doesn't say the persecution needs to continue. As we walk in the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to better exercise our Christian faith and make choices that Jesus would make. One of my problem areas is I don't usually keep my mouth closed like Jesus did. Maybe you suffer from that as well? Living the Christian life doesn't mean we won't be in conflictual relationship with other believers. Jesus was in similar situations with his own hand picked 12. Living the Christian life means we are contrary to the world we live in leaving conflict a definite part of life with others.
So, how do we handle conflict both in the Christian world and in the secular world as well? Do we continue on doing what we have been doing expecting different outcomes? That's insanity. Do we avoid, escape, or otherwise dodge the conflict and expect it to go away? That doesn't work either. I'd like to suggest that the first step is to acknowledge that conflict will come and go. What we do first is important. First is to bring it before God, his Word and the Holy Spirit. Then to simply do what God would have us to do. There are times when we are to engage conflict while at the same time avoid other conflicts that come our way. Part of the equations is to determine which conflict is necessary and which is not. When we separate conflict in this manner we can "put away" the unnecessary conflict and just deal with the necessary conflict. The second step is to see what the Bible has to say regarding about conflict. As far as possible, be at peace with all mankind is how one author put it. Sometimes peace comes in the morning after the conflict. Sometimes God takes care of the conflict for us by his hand. In all the ways of living with conflict we need to remember that there are choices and positive and negative consequences. Go for the positive. Go for life! But don't compromise the Christian life that God has given you and I. Remember it's always your choice.
Monday, April 24, 2017
The rain in Spain falls mainly in Washington!
You would think so if you lived here. Rain is more common than sunshine for many months of the year. What has that to do with the Christian walk? Lots! Living here in Washington the rain interacts with much of life. It affects almost all of the seasons and is ever present from fall through spring. The rain affects how people drive, what they do outside their homes and umbrella sales go through the roof. The rain is necessary though and most of the residents here as well as other areas know that we need the rain for our continued living. It's a non-negotiable item in living. Like the air we breathe, we need the underground water and above ground water which is replenished by the very rain we tend to despise. There is nevertheless a reason for rain. Similarly there is a need for the forgiveness of God in order for us to be able to be saved from the elements, the world, and the pitfalls that are life. The cleansing of those who believe is as constant of the rain falling. That cleansing is called grace and we don't deserve it. We are blessed with the work of Jesus rising from the dead so that we too can be resurrected. Without this work, there would be no resurrection to live with Jesus. Love that rain!
I'm an outdoor guy. Love to be outside fixing, planting, building, and exploring. I recently took a drive to Oregon where they have ample rain as well. It was a sunny/cloudy day and rain was waiting just around the corner. I happened to spy a barn on my way to pick up some items. When I had picked them up I came back the same way and stopped at the old barn. No one seemed to be around so I began taking pictures of the barn. It was fascinating! The rain had brought down much of the structure but the main structure inside was an old log cabin!
Our lives are worn over the years like the barn and the rain isn't the only one that wears the exterior of our lives and interior of our souls. The wind, snow, hail, and of course the sunshine wears or weathers all of us. We may end up with a new looking barn if we don't do anything with our lives. The gentleman who owned the property came out to talk. He told me that the barn was an original log cabin and took me inside to show me. Indeed there was the inner structure. The Barn had been put up on and around the cabin which had been built in the early 1800's. The analogy that struck me was how we put on Christ and that change is permanent. The old structure is covered with the blood of Christ and has weathered the storm. The aging of the barn is similar to the aging we go through. We too are battered by the things life throws at us. We too are worn down over the years. One day the barn will decay into the earth it sits upon. One day we will as well. The barn has a rich history and so do we. It stands as a sentinel for time past present and future.
Whatever happens to and about us is bound to change us from one stage to another over time. Weathering the storms of life is vital both as an example to others but also as a means of getting through life. We know that we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye (1/1000th of a nano second). That's a fact we can rely on. Whether we get to go by way of rapture or death, the goal is the same. That is to be with Jesus. Remember that it's always your choice.
I'm an outdoor guy. Love to be outside fixing, planting, building, and exploring. I recently took a drive to Oregon where they have ample rain as well. It was a sunny/cloudy day and rain was waiting just around the corner. I happened to spy a barn on my way to pick up some items. When I had picked them up I came back the same way and stopped at the old barn. No one seemed to be around so I began taking pictures of the barn. It was fascinating! The rain had brought down much of the structure but the main structure inside was an old log cabin!
Our lives are worn over the years like the barn and the rain isn't the only one that wears the exterior of our lives and interior of our souls. The wind, snow, hail, and of course the sunshine wears or weathers all of us. We may end up with a new looking barn if we don't do anything with our lives. The gentleman who owned the property came out to talk. He told me that the barn was an original log cabin and took me inside to show me. Indeed there was the inner structure. The Barn had been put up on and around the cabin which had been built in the early 1800's. The analogy that struck me was how we put on Christ and that change is permanent. The old structure is covered with the blood of Christ and has weathered the storm. The aging of the barn is similar to the aging we go through. We too are battered by the things life throws at us. We too are worn down over the years. One day the barn will decay into the earth it sits upon. One day we will as well. The barn has a rich history and so do we. It stands as a sentinel for time past present and future.
Whatever happens to and about us is bound to change us from one stage to another over time. Weathering the storms of life is vital both as an example to others but also as a means of getting through life. We know that we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye (1/1000th of a nano second). That's a fact we can rely on. Whether we get to go by way of rapture or death, the goal is the same. That is to be with Jesus. Remember that it's always your choice.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
The frog and the Christian
The illustration of a frog being put into a pot of cold water and then left as the heat is turned on should be a reminder to us of what's happening to our own Christian lives. The frog is comfortable in the cold water and as it heats up adjusts to that temperature. When the frog is cooked to death it's too late to get out of the water. So are our lives as we are in the world but not of the world. We too adjust to what society brings our way and don't get out of the world to save our souls. Believers, however, have a different consequence of their lack of action. I've alluded to the Scripture in Psalm 1:1 before. I'll revisit it today. When we are first brought into the family of God by confession of our sins and forgiveness by God, our focus is on our new found life in Christ. For however long we daily relish our new life and all that God has blessed us with. We may even have the impulse to preach the Gospel here and there leading others to Jesus who saves their souls. We have separated ourselves from the "world" and are living for Christ. Then something happens. It doesn't matter what but rather why. In Psalm 1:1 there are 3 steps we take to step away from God and do what the world wants rather than what the love of God requires.
First we walk outside the world but know the world is there. We still have interest in the world and even adhere to some of the worlds thinking. For instance we fail to speak the Gospel where it might be "offensive" like at work or in social circles. We haven't walked away from Christ but we are on that path. Living in the world but not of the world is an important failsafe to keeping our eyes on Jesus. It's easy to look at the little things and begin to ignore them in order to fit in or stand up for our faith. Step two is we stop and listen and observe those who aren't living their lives for Christ. The danger is we become drawn to some of what they have that we deem "borderline" between Christianity and living in the world. We tell ourselves that it's harmless and not "really important" followed up with "it's okay for them." No, no, and no. We haven't entered into sin with those we are around but we have entered into their midst and not proclaimed Jesus. Had we done this we would have kept the barrier up between that which corrupts the soul and that which saves the soul. The third step is we enter into the sin of others. We tell ourselves the lie that it's okay if we keep our faith. Situations where we choose to date and marry unbelieving spouses with the intention of seeing them come to Christ are only one way we enter in to that area where the world justifies our actions and thinking. Listening to coarse talk and vulgar jokes without saying a word or even laughing with others only takes us further into the pit.
"Thinking themselves to be wise they prove they are fools." That's what we do. I'm not anymore immune than you are. We can either take a stand for Christ or we can fall for anything. I know. I've done that many times. The God who loves me and leaves the 99 to find the one (me) seeks to get me back on the narrow path designed to bless and save me. So what do I do? I'm not one to mince words. What we do is choose life over death. We choose our own consequences. A wise and prudent person pursues positive consequences over negative consequences. We have the choice even as God's people. The Lord has given us free will and the ability to discern that which He seeks. God will not violate our free will. The choice is always ours. Do we live the Gospel or do we live our lives in the world where no one can see Jesus in us? Remember it's always your choice.
First we walk outside the world but know the world is there. We still have interest in the world and even adhere to some of the worlds thinking. For instance we fail to speak the Gospel where it might be "offensive" like at work or in social circles. We haven't walked away from Christ but we are on that path. Living in the world but not of the world is an important failsafe to keeping our eyes on Jesus. It's easy to look at the little things and begin to ignore them in order to fit in or stand up for our faith. Step two is we stop and listen and observe those who aren't living their lives for Christ. The danger is we become drawn to some of what they have that we deem "borderline" between Christianity and living in the world. We tell ourselves that it's harmless and not "really important" followed up with "it's okay for them." No, no, and no. We haven't entered into sin with those we are around but we have entered into their midst and not proclaimed Jesus. Had we done this we would have kept the barrier up between that which corrupts the soul and that which saves the soul. The third step is we enter into the sin of others. We tell ourselves the lie that it's okay if we keep our faith. Situations where we choose to date and marry unbelieving spouses with the intention of seeing them come to Christ are only one way we enter in to that area where the world justifies our actions and thinking. Listening to coarse talk and vulgar jokes without saying a word or even laughing with others only takes us further into the pit.
"Thinking themselves to be wise they prove they are fools." That's what we do. I'm not anymore immune than you are. We can either take a stand for Christ or we can fall for anything. I know. I've done that many times. The God who loves me and leaves the 99 to find the one (me) seeks to get me back on the narrow path designed to bless and save me. So what do I do? I'm not one to mince words. What we do is choose life over death. We choose our own consequences. A wise and prudent person pursues positive consequences over negative consequences. We have the choice even as God's people. The Lord has given us free will and the ability to discern that which He seeks. God will not violate our free will. The choice is always ours. Do we live the Gospel or do we live our lives in the world where no one can see Jesus in us? Remember it's always your choice.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
As I sit writing...
God is so good! My little dog is under a blanket on my lap making contented sleeping noises. The sun is coming up on the eastern horizon and I can see it peeking between the Douglas firs that border my property. The fruit trees are in a mixture of leafing out and flowering. Both necessary for the bounty that comes later. One stubborn mole has left his mark of a mound of dirt in my otherwise nice lawn. I'm thankful for all of this. I'm thankful that I get to spend the day with my son Daniel. It's not often we get to do that. I'll turn into a 18 year old for the day with him. The coffee is black, strong and wonderful freeing my mind of the spider webs of interrupted sleep. I'll have breakfast in a bit and enjoy sitting leisurely on the patio. Life is good...but not everywhere. I don't turn on the TV in the mornings on purpose blocking out the latest step to world wide distress, unrest and in a mess. I'll be informed later of what's going on. No need to wreck this moment. I read the 4th chapter of Hosea this morning and made some notes to self. Mostly about how I can do better. I can always do better. God knows this and speaks to my heart about areas where I lack as I write in my daily journal. I've been daily journaling since 2013. Some day I'll go back and read what I've written. Ought to be interesting!
I'm disturbed by our society. There are countless individuals who will wake up homeless, foodless and alone. There is war on the forefront of countries around us. Some hate us and some hate us for interfering with what they want to do with yet another country. Our own citizens protest countless causes but there seems to be no Christians standing up and marching for Jesus. To the Christians out protesting; are you really representing Jesus with your hate messages and destruction? The divisions in the church (generally speaking) are ever increasing and rather than serving the living God they serve the ideals of someone who didn't like what was found in the many different churches around them. Starting a new church with new doctrine is not representing Jesus. I don't care how you label what you are doing. If you aren't living the life Jesus wants to live through you then you aren't really serving him but yourself. Same for the protesters. I wonder when the end will come every day. I'm disturbed that more don't. Complacency in the world has rendered the Christian message powerless in so many circles. God knows the hearts of ALL men, women, and children. Yet we tend to act like we don't have to be accountable to him.
So, I focus on that which is good and am blessed as God reminds me that there are many who are on the mission field bringing the Gospel to many otherwise unreached. I'm thankful that God preserves life and heals like he has done all through the history of mankind. I am thankful that God has blessed me with so much and I am not selfish enough to keep it to myself. There needs to be an attachment to God so tight that we need to let go of the world. In the end we leave this life as we came into it. Naked with nothing but the first breath. Though I've brought myself into bad situations over my lifetime I have a God who reached down and picked me up from the mud I was wallowing in and set my feet on his ground. He washed me off and sent me on my way yet again in order to find the lost. My many encounters over my lifespan has brought many to the knowledge of Jesus and they have found Jesus as their Lord and Savior. All I am is a seed planter, The Holy Spirit even has the upper hand in that. The harvest is Gods. So, like Martin Luther, I'll go forth and plant another tree today remembering that it's always my choice...and yours.
I'm disturbed by our society. There are countless individuals who will wake up homeless, foodless and alone. There is war on the forefront of countries around us. Some hate us and some hate us for interfering with what they want to do with yet another country. Our own citizens protest countless causes but there seems to be no Christians standing up and marching for Jesus. To the Christians out protesting; are you really representing Jesus with your hate messages and destruction? The divisions in the church (generally speaking) are ever increasing and rather than serving the living God they serve the ideals of someone who didn't like what was found in the many different churches around them. Starting a new church with new doctrine is not representing Jesus. I don't care how you label what you are doing. If you aren't living the life Jesus wants to live through you then you aren't really serving him but yourself. Same for the protesters. I wonder when the end will come every day. I'm disturbed that more don't. Complacency in the world has rendered the Christian message powerless in so many circles. God knows the hearts of ALL men, women, and children. Yet we tend to act like we don't have to be accountable to him.
So, I focus on that which is good and am blessed as God reminds me that there are many who are on the mission field bringing the Gospel to many otherwise unreached. I'm thankful that God preserves life and heals like he has done all through the history of mankind. I am thankful that God has blessed me with so much and I am not selfish enough to keep it to myself. There needs to be an attachment to God so tight that we need to let go of the world. In the end we leave this life as we came into it. Naked with nothing but the first breath. Though I've brought myself into bad situations over my lifetime I have a God who reached down and picked me up from the mud I was wallowing in and set my feet on his ground. He washed me off and sent me on my way yet again in order to find the lost. My many encounters over my lifespan has brought many to the knowledge of Jesus and they have found Jesus as their Lord and Savior. All I am is a seed planter, The Holy Spirit even has the upper hand in that. The harvest is Gods. So, like Martin Luther, I'll go forth and plant another tree today remembering that it's always my choice...and yours.
Friday, April 21, 2017
What you see and hear versus what is real
We, until salvation, live lives filled with deception, lies and other nonsense. George Orwell, in his book "1984" shares a world where the truth is altered every time there is a change in the thinking of those in charge. Another "version" of history is put into place and the people were to accept, believe and incorporate this "new history" as truth. Anyone who didn't was "re-educated" and then put back into society. No choices. The world isn't much different today than what Orwell described. History is interpreted in the eye of the beholder. Don't like this or that? Believe otherwise. Conspiracy theories and such have brought out the wild imaginations and wonderings that are contrary to a life lived for Christ. The intention of all of this is to take our eyes off the reason we have the breath of life in the first place. It's to eliminate the belief that there is a God who loves us, died for us, rose from the dead and provides salvation for us so that we can be resurrected and live in heaven with Jesus. When people or organizations or even the devil have an agenda they demand we accept, we are first appalled followed closely by our listening to what they have to say and then concluding the act with our participation. Such is the whim of sin.
Each of us lives our lives in whatever manner we feel is right based upon our history, place in society, and even upon the lies we have been told are truth. Deciphering the truth becomes almost impossible because of generation after generation indoctrinating us to believe that what they decided was truth. So the masses are deceived by the very history they live amongst. It only takes a man in a field who said he talked with an angel who gave him another gospel to lead a huge mass of people straight to a path to hell. Or perhaps the man who was paranoid and power hungry who moved his flock to another country and then had them drink cool aid poisoned and deadly. Maybe it's the group of politicians who rise and fall according to the nearness of re-election that causes them to suddenly be the best friend to those who can give them the most votes. Get the picture? Just what the truth is we don't know anymore (Moody Blues). Pilate said similar words in the presence of Jesus: "What is truth?" Separating the truth from the lies becomes a labor in vain for the most part. Rather than trying to be congenial to everyone and tolerant of everything, we need to and must stand for the real truth. Jesus.
Self deception requires convincing only one I know because over the years I've practiced that art. The ability of sorting the truth from the lies is as near to us as the Bible that sits on our nightstand or our coffee table. Taking the Book of all books and opening it's pages we learn that there will be all kinds of deception and lies intended to deliver us to Satan rather than to Jesus. Believing only what you want isn't acceptable either. It's reported that Thomas Jefferson cut out the verses that offended him. Not real smart. Either we live the Bible or we live the world. People read and listen to us to determine what our truth is. The question is begged, "What do they see and hear?" Do they see and hear the world or do they see and hear Jesus in your life? In my life? In the life of your church? Are the orphan and the widow being cared for? Are the sick healed and the oppressed and possessed delivered? Does the Gospel convict the sinner? Are you and I changed from glory to glory or are not? Who does your wife, friend, children, neighbor and enemy see? I've failed to be that person who people see Jesus in. I've repented and repented and repented. Yet, as Paul says, "Those thing I know are right to do, I do not and those things I know are wrong, I do. Wretched man that I am!" Do people see Jesus in you? Remember, it's always your choice.
Each of us lives our lives in whatever manner we feel is right based upon our history, place in society, and even upon the lies we have been told are truth. Deciphering the truth becomes almost impossible because of generation after generation indoctrinating us to believe that what they decided was truth. So the masses are deceived by the very history they live amongst. It only takes a man in a field who said he talked with an angel who gave him another gospel to lead a huge mass of people straight to a path to hell. Or perhaps the man who was paranoid and power hungry who moved his flock to another country and then had them drink cool aid poisoned and deadly. Maybe it's the group of politicians who rise and fall according to the nearness of re-election that causes them to suddenly be the best friend to those who can give them the most votes. Get the picture? Just what the truth is we don't know anymore (Moody Blues). Pilate said similar words in the presence of Jesus: "What is truth?" Separating the truth from the lies becomes a labor in vain for the most part. Rather than trying to be congenial to everyone and tolerant of everything, we need to and must stand for the real truth. Jesus.
Self deception requires convincing only one I know because over the years I've practiced that art. The ability of sorting the truth from the lies is as near to us as the Bible that sits on our nightstand or our coffee table. Taking the Book of all books and opening it's pages we learn that there will be all kinds of deception and lies intended to deliver us to Satan rather than to Jesus. Believing only what you want isn't acceptable either. It's reported that Thomas Jefferson cut out the verses that offended him. Not real smart. Either we live the Bible or we live the world. People read and listen to us to determine what our truth is. The question is begged, "What do they see and hear?" Do they see and hear the world or do they see and hear Jesus in your life? In my life? In the life of your church? Are the orphan and the widow being cared for? Are the sick healed and the oppressed and possessed delivered? Does the Gospel convict the sinner? Are you and I changed from glory to glory or are not? Who does your wife, friend, children, neighbor and enemy see? I've failed to be that person who people see Jesus in. I've repented and repented and repented. Yet, as Paul says, "Those thing I know are right to do, I do not and those things I know are wrong, I do. Wretched man that I am!" Do people see Jesus in you? Remember, it's always your choice.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
I am the Prodigal Son...and so are you.
You would think that with all the running away from God that I would not be fat! But that's not the kind of running away we are talking about today. Our hearts can run away from God just like our minds can. Distracted and undisciplined people that we are, we know what is right to do and yet find ourselves not doing what is right but rather doing what is wrong. There are two sins. Only two. The first is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which leads to death and eternity in hell. The second is all other sin and against our loving God which doesn't lead to death and eternity in hell. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is committed when one knows that God is who he says he is, Jesus is who he says he is and has brought redemption to us, and the Holy Spirit has convicted us of this truth and we choose to NOT accept the grace and forgiveness of God. The other sins are multiple are forgivable. All the forgiveness is predicated upon the knowledge that we have surrendered our lives to Jesus, he living in us, and we choosing to do what we know not to be right anyway. The Prodigal Son was in the latter category. So are we who believe today. Thus we are the Prodigal Son/Daughter that wander away. James tells us in chapter 4 verse 17 that if we know what is right to do and we sin, we sin against God. That's an important distinction. Even though our sins may be against people, they are really against God.
When I was in 4th grade I was caught sending a derogatory note to a classmate. It was insulting the teacher. She intercepted said note and took me into the hallway. She demanded an apology which I told her I wouldn't give. I had to stay after school while my mother was called and had to come to school to get me. She too demanded that I apologize to the teacher. I refused. With that I was taken home where punishment was given. It would be many years later when I would be contemplating this event that I discovered why I wouldn't apologize. During my young years I had been abused and neglected and no one apologized to me. I had no understanding of what forgiveness was and wasn't about to get trapped into something that I didn't understand. I coined the phrase "Forgiveness occurs when what we remember no longer affects our lives." It's no different with God. He states in the Bible that he throws our sins as far from him as east is to west. When travelling that direction you never get to west. Not true about north and south. He also says that he throws our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. I'm not making this stuff up. It's written right there in the Bible and I am sooooo thankful that he treats my sin in this manner when I ask for forgiveness. Until I am repentant and return, I'm still a prodigal son and so are you. Separated from the love of God because the lack of holiness indeed is a dangerous place to be.
I doubt greatly that this was the only time the Prodigal Son was outside the will of God. It would only take reviewing a recording of my life to realize that I've been prodigal myself so many times. Perhaps you realize that yourself about your life. Satan loves to get his hooks in us where we choose to sin in the first place. Psalm 1:1 outlines the succession of events that begin, cultivate and bring sin to fruition. We aren't immune to the temptations to sin. We are easily drawn into the web that the world has spun for us. Anytime we are outside the will of God we are a prodigal son or daughter. It matters not that we claim salvation through the blood of Jesus. It matters not that we go to church, are in the choir and volunteer teaching Sunday school. It matters that we know Jesus and WANT to do what is pleasing to Him and Him alone. God will never forsake nor abandon those who are born again. He waits for our return home so that he can bestow the blessings he has for us. That's what a loving father does. He leaves the 99 to find the 1 sheep that has strayed away. Then he brings the 1 home. Remember, it's always your choice.
When I was in 4th grade I was caught sending a derogatory note to a classmate. It was insulting the teacher. She intercepted said note and took me into the hallway. She demanded an apology which I told her I wouldn't give. I had to stay after school while my mother was called and had to come to school to get me. She too demanded that I apologize to the teacher. I refused. With that I was taken home where punishment was given. It would be many years later when I would be contemplating this event that I discovered why I wouldn't apologize. During my young years I had been abused and neglected and no one apologized to me. I had no understanding of what forgiveness was and wasn't about to get trapped into something that I didn't understand. I coined the phrase "Forgiveness occurs when what we remember no longer affects our lives." It's no different with God. He states in the Bible that he throws our sins as far from him as east is to west. When travelling that direction you never get to west. Not true about north and south. He also says that he throws our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. I'm not making this stuff up. It's written right there in the Bible and I am sooooo thankful that he treats my sin in this manner when I ask for forgiveness. Until I am repentant and return, I'm still a prodigal son and so are you. Separated from the love of God because the lack of holiness indeed is a dangerous place to be.
I doubt greatly that this was the only time the Prodigal Son was outside the will of God. It would only take reviewing a recording of my life to realize that I've been prodigal myself so many times. Perhaps you realize that yourself about your life. Satan loves to get his hooks in us where we choose to sin in the first place. Psalm 1:1 outlines the succession of events that begin, cultivate and bring sin to fruition. We aren't immune to the temptations to sin. We are easily drawn into the web that the world has spun for us. Anytime we are outside the will of God we are a prodigal son or daughter. It matters not that we claim salvation through the blood of Jesus. It matters not that we go to church, are in the choir and volunteer teaching Sunday school. It matters that we know Jesus and WANT to do what is pleasing to Him and Him alone. God will never forsake nor abandon those who are born again. He waits for our return home so that he can bestow the blessings he has for us. That's what a loving father does. He leaves the 99 to find the 1 sheep that has strayed away. Then he brings the 1 home. Remember, it's always your choice.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Our best intentions aren't usually
As Christians we have intentions for all kinds of things but they are hindered by our motive. We have come to a place in our lives where we misinterpret what others think, say and do just as they do with us. We can exercise our best of intentions with our neighbors, friends, relatives and enemies and still miss the point. I, on many occasions, have entered into what I thought was a good and honest intention to helping someone only to find that my motive was to bring honor and glory to myself rather than Jesus. "Look what I've done." isn't what I want but that's what my misguided intentions get me. It's hard to not do things and be humble about them. At least for me that's the fact. I have been reprimanded by God many times for messing up His will for someone else when I've taken it upon myself to "help" someone. Perhaps you have as well. The disciples were also guilty of this so I shouldn't feel alone. Neither should you. The discipline of denying self and letting Jesus live through me is not all that hard to understand. Depending on the depth that we have given our lives to Jesus we can actually aid the kingdom rather than hindering the kingdom. God always puts situations in our lives to help others. Those situations are a proving ground for the Christian. We should acknowledge that it's Jesus rather than us who is actually working through me. We, in this process, should be showing people the door to Jesus instead of our house.
Believe it or not, Jesus doesn't want us to do everything. And sometimes he doesn't want us to do anything. Understanding that we cannot manipulate the will of God in another's life is essential in the mission of all Christians. If we are saved and if we are filled with the Holy Spirit and if we are instant in season and out of season, we can be Jesus to our world. However, if we have our own self conceived "best" intentions we run the risk of chasing people away from Jesus instead of to him. I've had 20 different vocations over my 63 years of life. Many from my generation sit back and say that I've gone crazy not sticking with something that I've done. The fact is that I've been listening to God and have moved when he has told me to move. When HIS job is done where he has placed me, he moves me onto the next assignment. There have been two times when I moved when he told me to stay so I know what disobedience brings. My best isn't his. His best through me is what's appropriate. Knowing that his will worked through me has advanced the Kingdom of God is where my focus should always be. Fear and peer pressure often gets in the way when we live this kind of lifestyle. People don't like the unknown and don't like to be faced with doing something they think will affect their lifestyle. Perhaps you feel that way with what God is asking you to do?
Sometimes we need to relax, listen and then either do nothing or everything regarding what God is directing on the stage. Jeremiah was told by God to not pray for the people because they were a lost cause. Jeremiah said to God that he couldn't not pray for the people. Peter and John before the religious authorities told the religious leaders that they couldn't be silent about the risen Savior. Bot were within God's will and plan. The intent of the Bible is to tell us a story, teach us a lesson and to encourage a life of denial to self. The intent of my sinful nature is to do what I think is right and to use Scripture to justify not doing what God has asked me to do. Many times I've had the Holy Spirit nudge me to speak to others about Jesus. I've done so many times. Then there are times when I haven't. My intention didn't equal my compliance to God's will. Out of whatever motive I chose to not do what God asked me to do. That was and is sin. We all have situations where we have fallen short of proclaiming Jesus as Lord through our thoughts, deeds and actions. There's nothing new about that. What is new is the day you are given today. What is new is a clean slate when you have asked for forgiveness for your sins. What is new is the voice of Jesus calling you yet again to lay your life down and let his life live through you. The ramifications of obeying God is so huge that we can't see all that he accomplishes through us and won't until we get to heaven. Remember, that every day it's always your choice.
Believe it or not, Jesus doesn't want us to do everything. And sometimes he doesn't want us to do anything. Understanding that we cannot manipulate the will of God in another's life is essential in the mission of all Christians. If we are saved and if we are filled with the Holy Spirit and if we are instant in season and out of season, we can be Jesus to our world. However, if we have our own self conceived "best" intentions we run the risk of chasing people away from Jesus instead of to him. I've had 20 different vocations over my 63 years of life. Many from my generation sit back and say that I've gone crazy not sticking with something that I've done. The fact is that I've been listening to God and have moved when he has told me to move. When HIS job is done where he has placed me, he moves me onto the next assignment. There have been two times when I moved when he told me to stay so I know what disobedience brings. My best isn't his. His best through me is what's appropriate. Knowing that his will worked through me has advanced the Kingdom of God is where my focus should always be. Fear and peer pressure often gets in the way when we live this kind of lifestyle. People don't like the unknown and don't like to be faced with doing something they think will affect their lifestyle. Perhaps you feel that way with what God is asking you to do?
Sometimes we need to relax, listen and then either do nothing or everything regarding what God is directing on the stage. Jeremiah was told by God to not pray for the people because they were a lost cause. Jeremiah said to God that he couldn't not pray for the people. Peter and John before the religious authorities told the religious leaders that they couldn't be silent about the risen Savior. Bot were within God's will and plan. The intent of the Bible is to tell us a story, teach us a lesson and to encourage a life of denial to self. The intent of my sinful nature is to do what I think is right and to use Scripture to justify not doing what God has asked me to do. Many times I've had the Holy Spirit nudge me to speak to others about Jesus. I've done so many times. Then there are times when I haven't. My intention didn't equal my compliance to God's will. Out of whatever motive I chose to not do what God asked me to do. That was and is sin. We all have situations where we have fallen short of proclaiming Jesus as Lord through our thoughts, deeds and actions. There's nothing new about that. What is new is the day you are given today. What is new is a clean slate when you have asked for forgiveness for your sins. What is new is the voice of Jesus calling you yet again to lay your life down and let his life live through you. The ramifications of obeying God is so huge that we can't see all that he accomplishes through us and won't until we get to heaven. Remember, that every day it's always your choice.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Jesus had friends long before Twitter or Facebook!
The difference is huge though. With Twitter and Facebook or any other social media site we can say we have friends and even call them that but we don't know them and they don't know us. We like it that way just fine. Thinking we have 2000 friends out there who care about us is folly. Thinking that one day we will go and visit them is folly. Thinking we will have a wonderful Twitter or Facebook reunion is also folly. AND we like it that way. We like to pass on smiles, tidbits and other stuff imaginary or real thinking that everyone wants to know this or that about our lives. We insert information into our "friends" lives thinking they listen to our advice and have a better life because of us being their "friend". And so we, like they, are deceived and live lives of solitude and isolation ignoring those right in front of our eyes. You understand that this is a generalization and yet you recognize some of it's tenants to be true for you and your "friends". People keep track of others and yet are distant enough to not hold or be held accountable to anyone. We can say anything online and no one knows the difference. Or so we think. That's on the one hand.
On the other hand is Jesus. I could just stop there but won't. Jesus came to earth for us. Not just to have an online or church relationship with the belief that our relationship with him isn't complete unless we are in church or with Christians 24/7. Jesus came to accept, love and approve you and I. He came to be friends with all who call upon his name. The Bible tells us that we can have a deep personal relationship with Jesus and so we sing the song "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" with each other and to Him. Unlike our online friends Jesus knows everything about our past, present and future and cares about us. Because of his work on the cross on behalf of his friends you and I have the assurance that we are loved with the incredible love of God that passes all understanding. Because of Jesus' friendship with us sinners, we know peace and grace intimately. Not one of his friends is capable of being without sin. AND he still loves them with the same love he had before we were born. Jesus sees the whole person and continues to want a friendship that is closer than a brother. Yet, we choose to ignore that friendship to engage in friendships in social media with people who don't know us.
Thinking ourselves to be wise, we prove ourselves to be fools. Scammers and demons (same thing?) are waiting on social media to take from whomever they choose everything they can get even your and my identity. Jesus doesn't do that and once he is living in and through us, no one and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. The stories of those who have lost to Satan goes on and on. No one is safe from his attacks or so we think. Should we let Jesus live in and through us, the devil isn't able to do anything to or with him. It's when we live according to the worlds view that we succumb to the wiles of the devil. The Bible tells us that the demons roam the earth seeking those they can deceive. The Bible tells us that when we have Jesus as our savior that no one or anything can snatch us away from Him. There are many times my life has appeared to have gone to hell in a hand basket. There are many times I've walked away from the will of God and committed sins against God later confessing and receiving forgiveness. Sometimes I feel like the negative I've done is so great that it negates the good that Jesus has done through me. That's a lie from Satan. The Bible tells us that for the believer "all things work for good for those who love
God and are called according to His purpose." Remember, it's always your choice. Who's your friend"?
On the other hand is Jesus. I could just stop there but won't. Jesus came to earth for us. Not just to have an online or church relationship with the belief that our relationship with him isn't complete unless we are in church or with Christians 24/7. Jesus came to accept, love and approve you and I. He came to be friends with all who call upon his name. The Bible tells us that we can have a deep personal relationship with Jesus and so we sing the song "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" with each other and to Him. Unlike our online friends Jesus knows everything about our past, present and future and cares about us. Because of his work on the cross on behalf of his friends you and I have the assurance that we are loved with the incredible love of God that passes all understanding. Because of Jesus' friendship with us sinners, we know peace and grace intimately. Not one of his friends is capable of being without sin. AND he still loves them with the same love he had before we were born. Jesus sees the whole person and continues to want a friendship that is closer than a brother. Yet, we choose to ignore that friendship to engage in friendships in social media with people who don't know us.
Thinking ourselves to be wise, we prove ourselves to be fools. Scammers and demons (same thing?) are waiting on social media to take from whomever they choose everything they can get even your and my identity. Jesus doesn't do that and once he is living in and through us, no one and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. The stories of those who have lost to Satan goes on and on. No one is safe from his attacks or so we think. Should we let Jesus live in and through us, the devil isn't able to do anything to or with him. It's when we live according to the worlds view that we succumb to the wiles of the devil. The Bible tells us that the demons roam the earth seeking those they can deceive. The Bible tells us that when we have Jesus as our savior that no one or anything can snatch us away from Him. There are many times my life has appeared to have gone to hell in a hand basket. There are many times I've walked away from the will of God and committed sins against God later confessing and receiving forgiveness. Sometimes I feel like the negative I've done is so great that it negates the good that Jesus has done through me. That's a lie from Satan. The Bible tells us that for the believer "all things work for good for those who love
God and are called according to His purpose." Remember, it's always your choice. Who's your friend"?
Monday, April 17, 2017
I'm back!
My computer is fixed and I'm back. I will be returning to writing tomorrow morning. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you had an incredible Easter. See you in the morning!
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Much to my frustration...
Both of my laptops are still in the shop. Just wanted to update everyone who might have thoughts that I had run away and joined the circus. I will hopefully have them back soon.
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