Friday, February 24, 2017

Life is sometimes inconvieniet.

    Okay, so my morning was filled with "stuff" and I'm just getting to the blog.  Hope you aren't too disappointed.  When I am pulled in so many different directions, like today, I tend to get more anxious, panicky and angry.  Thank you PTSD!  Even when events are non-stress, I am the one who is first to show impatient.  I don't do group participation very well.  Life's inconveniences are unavoidable.  Perhaps you have learned this as well.  Making the most of our time isn't always on the agenda of other people. I even get frustrated with God when my agenda is interrupted!  Wanting to be  better and more adaptable to my environment and it's busy elements, I try to give my day to God.  That being said, why do I take my day back thinking I can do a better job?  That's just crazy making and does no one any good.  Jesus said some things to the disciples who were well intentioned by didn't listen to the voice of God.  Don't believe me, read the New Testament.  Okay, so now that that is out of the way, let's look at what it is that keeps us from being conveniently His.  That is the point of the Christian walk. 
     I've written about many of my experiences that at the time I didn't know why or for what purpose they happened.  Sometimes the "inconvenience" was meant to bless me and sometimes it was meant to keep me from doing that which I shouldn't do.  If I lived by my perspective, I would be frustrated more often than not.  By living by God's perspective even if I don't understand why this or that is taking place, I can rest assured that He is in control and knows the outcome.  Wouldn't it be great if we knew the answer to all of life's "Why?" questions?  Maybe not.  If we knew the "Why" involved something negative that was going to take place, would we really want to know?  David was about 13 when God told him that he was going to be king.  Jeremiah was a similar age when God told him to not take a wife or have children because his life was going to be miserable.  Jesus told the disciples that some of them would be called to a life that ended in them being killed.  Remember Stephen in Acts?  The list could go on by I think I've made my point.  There are many ways to approach life.  The only one that makes sense is God's approach.  Following God throughout your and my life requires faith, which is the substance of things not seen.  Should we live a life of faith we are ready for an inconvenience. 
     I have failed more than succeeded in my Christian walk.  Always because I didn't listen the God's voice or outright rebelled against what God wanted to do through me.  I think that is why he wrote the FIRST commandment:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul."  I was fine with that and do love God.  It's the second commandment that trips me up.  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  That love can only come from God which brings us back to the first commandment.  Do you understand that if you attain to honoring the first commandment that the other 9 aren't necessary?  It's not that God wants you to be a robot. He wants you to be a living, breathing and doing human being that brings the love of God to a world that needs it.  They don't need the love of me.  They don't need the love of you.  They don't even need the love of your church.  They need the love of God.  That's why he died on the cross to atone for your and my sins.  Not so that we could just go on as we did before, but go on with Christ living through us.  I need to remember that the next time I'm feeling inconvenienced.  How about you?  It's always your choice.

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