Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Little Chap Who Follows Me!

The Little Chap Who Follows Me!

A careful man I want to be;
A little fellow follows me.
I do not dare to go astray
For fear he'll go the self same way.

I cannot once escape his eyes,
Whate'er he sees me do, he tries.
Like me he says he's going to be;
The little chap who follows me.

He thinks that I'm so very fine,
Believes in every word of mine.
The base in me he must not see;
The little chap who follows me.

I must remember as I go
Through summer's sun and winter's snow,
I'm building for the years to be;
The little chap who follows me.
Author: Unknown

Monday, February 27, 2017

Christians should love Jesus


Some special qualities of love

Paul, an ancient Christian apostle who wrote thirteen of the documents in the New Testament, cited these qualities in his classic statement on the “gift” of “love(Greek noun agapen) in his first letter to his Christian friends in Corinth. see 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. He said “love
  • is patient
  • and kind
  • does not envy
  • or boast
  • is not arrogant
  • or rude
  • does not insist on its own way
  • is not irritable
  • or resentful
  • does not rejoice at wrongdoing
  • but rejoices with the truth
  • bears all things
  • believes all things
  • hopes all things
  • endures all things
  • never ends.
These qualities of love in one’s relationships with others are timeless. They are as important for individuals today as they were for the ancient people of Corinth, a port city with several temples to pagan gods and a reputation for “wanton sexuality”. 19 So these ancient Romans, and perhaps some of Paul’s Christian friends, had some important lessons to learn about love in their personal relationships. An expression of love without some of these qualities is probably not a very good gift. And the inclusion of these qualities in God’s gift of love makes this divine gift superior to those of “faith” and “hope”. (see 1 Corinthians 13:13)

A summary perspective on love as described in the Bible

Basically this word “love” that appears in the translations of the Hebrew and Greek documents of the Bible refers in its verbal and noun forms to a particular emotional quality that is expressed or is present in regard to the relationships that individuals have with other individuals, objects, circumstances, or actions in their lives.
In the Old Testament this word “love” is translated from the Hebrew words ’ahab, ’aheb, and ’ahabah. According to Vine, the verb form of these words denotes “a strong emotional attachment to and desire either to possess or to be in the presence of the object” or a person.20 In regard to a relationship with another person, the emotion may be a sexual desire for a legitimate marriage to a person of the opposite sex, or it may refer to the emotion of “love” that operates in relationships between various relatives in families, or it may refer to a special emotional bond that works between friends or even with one’s master, or that should be implemented in one’s relationships with “neighbors”, or to God in his relationships with individuals and the Israelites. But the word “love” is also used to refer to the emotional connection that Solomon had with many “foreign women”, many of whom were among his “700 wives(1 Kings 11:1,3) So I conclude that there is nothing particularly special about this emotion as it is referenced in the documents of the Old Testament.
But in the documents of the New Testament this word “love” that is translated from the Greek words agapao and agape seems to denote a Christian quality of emotion that is distinctively unselfish and subservient, particularly in regard to one’s relationship with God, but also in regard to relationships with other individuals as well as other Christians. And the Greek word phileo, which is also translated into the word “love”, means “tender affection”, according to Vine.21 So I assume that the level of emotion that is being expressed by this word is somewhat different or less than that of “a strong emotional attachment” that is being expressed by the Hebrew words ’ahab or ’aheb, and ’ahabah that are translated as “love” in the Old Testament.
When Jesus summarized all of “the Law” in the Old Testament in response to a question from a Pharisee, he used the Greek word agapao for the emotional expression of “love” in his answer: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”. (Matthew 22:37-38) I conclude that Jesus is stating that a Christian must “love” God completely and passionately with his or her total being, and that the “love” of a Christian for his or her “neighbor” or relative or friend or enemy or fellow Christian must be selfless and sincere. And Paul’s list of the “special qualities” of “love”, as cited in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 above add further qualities to the nature of Christian “love” as it is to be understood and expressed by Christians in their lives. Such “love” as defined by Jesus and Paul is certainly a godly virtue that is GOOD forever.

Sunday, February 26, 2017




     Modesty is the quality of a person’s being that is demonstrated or shown by his/her moderate and unassuming style of dress and behavior. Modesty is most commonly associated with how a person dresses, particularly that of women or girls, but it is a broader virtue of one’s personality. It is similar to humility as it is expressed in one’s behavior. In respect to how a person dresses, it indicates, for the most part, that such a person does not display her or his body in a way that excessively emphasizes her or his sexual attributes.

Modesty and culture

     Standards for modesty in one’s style of dressing and wardrobe as well as one’s behavior, particularly in public, are commonly set by the culture in which a person is raised. Ethnic, racial, religious, national traditions, and customs regarding these matters of public dress and behavior are usually well established, and they are generally taught and demonstrated by the older generations to the younger generations. Examples of this process can be seen throughout the world, particularly in its large cities where people from various cultures and ethnic and racial groups mix together in public. Muslim women and Amish men and women and boys and girls are usually easy to spot in any crowd because of their distinctive styles of dress.
     But some of these styles of dress and behavior are changing. Individuals in some cultures who are born and live within specific ethnic, racial, religious, and national traditions are given more freedom and opportunities to vary their styles of dress and behavior. This kind of freedom has some positive as well as negative implications. Young individuals can use this freedom of choice to express their self-image, to set themselves somewhat apart from the traditions and styles of their elders. But if they use this freedom to express themselves in exaggerated sexual styles of clothing or public displays of overly aggressive, arrogant, or disrespectful behavior, they may become immodest and be regarded as such in the quality of their personalities.
     Some businesses, professions, schools, and occupations have specific dress codes or uniforms that are required or set as standards for those in such groups. For men in many careers it is a suit and tie. Doctors and nurses usually have white coats or uniforms when they are on duty. Of course service men and women, at least in the USA, have recognizable uniforms. Boys and girls in some schools are required to wear standard uniforms. Where a modest or “professional” dress code is required there are usually also requirements for moderate, unassuming, polite, respectful behavior. Some performers are noted for their immodest styles of dress, in many cases wearing as little as possible to keep the law for a minimum of covering for their private sexual parts. Some individuals who are very modest and “professional” in certain situations may be more casual or almost immodest in other social situations, particularly on a beach.
     So many individuals in our world have personal choices that they can make regarding how they express themselves modestly from situation to situation. They may observe the cultural, ethnic, racial, and religious standards for modesty in every situation. They may rebel against some of them some of the time. Or they may vary their styles and standards of dress and behavior according to what seems appropriate in any situation.

Benefits and values of modesty can be especially GOOD

     Since modesty is a part of an individual’s personality, his/her personal being, it is a virtue. If it is consistently expressed in one’s style of dress and behavior, it can bring significant benefits to an individual. It can strengthen or add other associated virtues to a modest person’s reputation or character. It can reinforce one’s reputation for humility and respectful behavior. When a person demonstrates a high level of personal self-respect by his/her modest way of dressing and behaving, he/she will probably also earn a high level of respect from others. Most of you know one or more examples of individuals who have lost all or most of anyone’s personal respect by their immodest styles of dress or behavior.
     Modesty also has benefits and values that extend beyond one’s situation or reputation in life. As a consistent virtue in a person’s life, it can protect him/her from yielding to temptations that would not only damage his/her reputation but might also draw him/her into destructive relationships and life-styles. Young people may not always appreciate this protective benefit of the modesty that they are being taught by their elders, but nevertheless it can be a very valuable virtue.
     When a person has a genuine commitment to modesty in his/her life, he/she is attractive to God. A modest attitude in one’s style of dress and behavior is one way of responding to God’s invitation to live with him in a relationship of love, personal purity, and grace that can extend into eternity. The virtue of modesty is especially good, because it has benefits and values that can be received forever! It is one mark or distinguishing quality of a child of God, an individual who has been taught by God and who is seeking to live in accord with his holy and pure standards for what is right.

My appeal to you is to live in accord with the virtue of modesty

     A modest attitude in your style of dress and behavior may not make you extremely popular with the “worldly” crowd, but its eternal benefits and values are so GOOD that they shouldn’t be ignored or rejected. Few self-respecting individuals will really mock you for being modest. A genuine quality of personal modesty will never negate the sex appeal of one’s femine sensativity or masculine strength. Those who are struggling with their own sense of self-respect may be drawn to you to find out the secret of your quiet appeal. No business, career, profession, or friend should require you to be immodest. The choice is really yours.

Saturday, February 25, 2017



    You know. . . time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, and embarking on my new life. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams. But, here it is... the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise...How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my youth go?

    I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that winter was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like. But, here it is...my friends are retired and getting grey...they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me...but, I see the great change...Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant..but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd be.

    Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I don't on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit! And so...now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did! But, at least I know, that though the winter has come, and I'm not sure how long it will last...this I know, that when it's over on this earth...it's NOT over. A new adventure will begin!

Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done...things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime.

    So, if you're not in your winter yet...let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don't put things off too long! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether this is your winter or not! You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life...so, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember...and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past! "Life" is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. Make it a fantastic one.



"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.




~Your kids are becoming you......

~Going out is good. Coming home is better!

~You forget names.... But it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!!

~You realize you're never going to be really good at anything.... especially golf.

~The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore.

~You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep".

~You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.

~You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?"... "what?" . ???

~Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.

~You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!!

~What used to be freckles are now liver spots.

~Everybody whispers.

~You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear.

~But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!!

Stay well, "OLD FRIEND!" Send this on to other "Old Friends!" and let them laugh in AGREEMENT!!!
It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Life is sometimes inconvieniet.

    Okay, so my morning was filled with "stuff" and I'm just getting to the blog.  Hope you aren't too disappointed.  When I am pulled in so many different directions, like today, I tend to get more anxious, panicky and angry.  Thank you PTSD!  Even when events are non-stress, I am the one who is first to show impatient.  I don't do group participation very well.  Life's inconveniences are unavoidable.  Perhaps you have learned this as well.  Making the most of our time isn't always on the agenda of other people. I even get frustrated with God when my agenda is interrupted!  Wanting to be  better and more adaptable to my environment and it's busy elements, I try to give my day to God.  That being said, why do I take my day back thinking I can do a better job?  That's just crazy making and does no one any good.  Jesus said some things to the disciples who were well intentioned by didn't listen to the voice of God.  Don't believe me, read the New Testament.  Okay, so now that that is out of the way, let's look at what it is that keeps us from being conveniently His.  That is the point of the Christian walk. 
     I've written about many of my experiences that at the time I didn't know why or for what purpose they happened.  Sometimes the "inconvenience" was meant to bless me and sometimes it was meant to keep me from doing that which I shouldn't do.  If I lived by my perspective, I would be frustrated more often than not.  By living by God's perspective even if I don't understand why this or that is taking place, I can rest assured that He is in control and knows the outcome.  Wouldn't it be great if we knew the answer to all of life's "Why?" questions?  Maybe not.  If we knew the "Why" involved something negative that was going to take place, would we really want to know?  David was about 13 when God told him that he was going to be king.  Jeremiah was a similar age when God told him to not take a wife or have children because his life was going to be miserable.  Jesus told the disciples that some of them would be called to a life that ended in them being killed.  Remember Stephen in Acts?  The list could go on by I think I've made my point.  There are many ways to approach life.  The only one that makes sense is God's approach.  Following God throughout your and my life requires faith, which is the substance of things not seen.  Should we live a life of faith we are ready for an inconvenience. 
     I have failed more than succeeded in my Christian walk.  Always because I didn't listen the God's voice or outright rebelled against what God wanted to do through me.  I think that is why he wrote the FIRST commandment:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul."  I was fine with that and do love God.  It's the second commandment that trips me up.  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  That love can only come from God which brings us back to the first commandment.  Do you understand that if you attain to honoring the first commandment that the other 9 aren't necessary?  It's not that God wants you to be a robot. He wants you to be a living, breathing and doing human being that brings the love of God to a world that needs it.  They don't need the love of me.  They don't need the love of you.  They don't even need the love of your church.  They need the love of God.  That's why he died on the cross to atone for your and my sins.  Not so that we could just go on as we did before, but go on with Christ living through us.  I need to remember that the next time I'm feeling inconvenienced.  How about you?  It's always your choice.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Every moment of life changes us as Christians

     They should have included the warning: "Nothing will be the same and change will be continual" on the invitation to die to self and let Jesus live through us!  You would think that some things wouldn't be that difficult while other things shouldn't be that simple in the Christian life.  But, that's the way it is...unless you aren't doing anything for Jesus.  If you aren't doing anything for Jesus you are aiding and abetting the devil and serving the world.  Changes for the Christian are important to note because they indicate the level of maturity you have acquired and exercised.  During that time the Holy Spirit looks at your and my life and suggests changes to help us let go of self and let Jesus live better through us.  Then, sin gets in the way and off the road we go!  I hate that but am my own worst enemy.  Yet, God takes these moments as well to help us to learn that we shouldn't touch a hot stove!  I've burned my fingers quite a number of times!  I'm sure that many of you have as well.  We tend to be a people that seem determined to learn the hard way instead of dying to self and letting Jesus live through us.  That's not good and shouldn't be good as well.
     Some of the changes are dramatic.  I've had to deal with the death of two babies and not knowing why.  I've had to deal with betrayal of family and friends alike and lost the chance of reconciliation because of death or distance.  My life is marked with consequences, positive and negative, that have not only affected my but those around me.  Accidents that were both preventable and unavoidable.  I think that I have learned most of my life lessons through the school of hard knocks.  What pains me even more is that through my learning the hard way, I've taught my children to do the same.  Perhaps you can resonate with my life or perhaps you think that I'm nuts!  I've yet to come across anyone who hasn't had to go through either the valleys or mountaintops of life without going through the changes necessary to carry us between the two places.  My life story would be tragic if it hadn't purpose.  I belong to Jesus and I choose to believe that all things happen to me for a purpose because I love him and he loves me.  Somewhere, somehow my story has been used to help many over the years.  My changes are the food that some people need in order to make it through the their own changes.  Your changes help those around you as well.
     The story is told of a man who had died and was before the entrance to heaven and asked to see how those in heaven lived versus those who lived in hell.  The angel took him first to hell where he was confronted with a scene where everyone was fighting over a bowl of food claiming as much as they could for themselves.  The spoons they held were their weapons.  There was fighting and violent voices serving themselves to the denial of food for others.  The angel then took the man to heaven to a similar room where there were people at a table with a bowl of food.  These people had long spoons attached to their hands.  Their spoons were 3 feet long.  Needless to say they were unable to feed themselves and were dependent upon others to feed them.  The scene was loving, sharing and caring. Quite different from hell.  The changes of our lives as Christians should be to seek to serve rather than to be served.  The changes of our lives as Christians should be seen to be monumental in our helping others along the road.  Rather than being resentful when the negative happens we need to look at the change from a positive view of what God wants to do with our lives to save and change the lives of others.  The church should be a place where Christians go to learn to serve.  Your life should be something that shows the changes by God are leading people to Christ.  It's always your choice.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Christian One liners

One Liners


Don't let your worries get the best of you; Remember, Moses started out as a basket case.


Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.


Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisers.


It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.


The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.


When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.


People are funny; they want the front of the bus, middle of the road, and back of the church.


Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the door forever.


Quit griping about your church; If it was perfect, you couldn't belong.


If a church wants a better pastor, It only needs to pray for the one it has.


We're called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.


God Himself doesn't propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?


Some minds are like concrete thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


Peace starts with a smile.


I don't know why some people change churches; What difference does it make which one you stay home from?


Be ye fishers of men. You catch 'em - He'll clean 'em.


Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.


Don't put a question mark where God put a period.


Don' t wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.


Forbidden fruits create many jams.


God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.


God grades on the cross, not the curve.


God loves everyone, but probably prefers 'fruits of the spirit' over 'religious nuts!'


God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.


He who angers you, controls you!


If God is your Co-pilot, swap seats!


Prayer: Don't give God instructions, just report for duty!


The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.


The Will of God never takes you to where the grace of God will not protect you.


We don't change the message. The message changes us.


You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him/her.


The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.

"In God We Trust"

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The forecast, experience and recovery

    The weather!  This coming week the forecast is all over the place from pleasant to not so pleasant, from rain to snow.  How do we ever get used to this?  Then of course the weather people don't seem to care that they are wrong so much of the time.  Revisions to the weather can come hourly or remain the same for days.  How do we ever get used to this?  Our lives, to some degree, revolve around the weather forecast, experience and recovery.  Christians shouldn't expect mild and wonderful weather moment to moment or for days on end.  The seasons mark 4 different quarters of the year where we expect that season.  When you have snow in June or sunshine and 70 in December (remember I'm from the Midwest) we sometimes wonder about the seasons as well.  While working as a gardener in California I learned that when the gophers plug their entrances it was going to rain.  When the birds cleared the sky it was going to storm. When the leaves fell from the tree it was either dead or it was fall.  Pretty much everyone knows that when it snows that it's winter.  Yet, we act like we will never get used to the changes of the weather or the changes in our lives.
     It's been forecast that it's appointed to man to die.  You choose how.  You can choose the forecast and either die to self, sin and death or you can choose to die and spend eternity in hell.  Your choice entirely.  The forecast for both is final.  So, when you are making your daily choices you might want to check out that particular day, the signs and what is needed to live those choices.  Some of the forecasting has been done for you.  For instance, the Gospel is full of forecasted prophecies for all to read.  The Gospel also forecasts that the Christian won't have the hilltops all the time.  There will be other seasons to go through as well.  The forecast for activity is also in the Bible.  How about "love God and love your neighbor"?  There are many more if we will just read and listen to the signs.  Jesus tells us that because of our faith we will be persecuted and some will be killed. He also forecasts that his living in our lives won't always be east.  The forecast of our abilities to care for the widow and orphan, to lay hands on the sick and to prophecy God's word to our world remain through out our lives here on earth.
     Experiencing the forecasted events listed above isn't something so many of us want to endure when they are negative.  Experiencing the forecast of the good is something we rejoice in.  However, we can't choose one without the other.  Positive and negative live in the same room.  What we experience should fit us for our daily victory in Jesus.  Never mind that you may suffer or be blessed.  Experiencing is an action word that causes us to move through something. That means that yesterday is gone, tomorrow hasn't come and all we have is this moment.  During that moment we can choose to experience God's hand in our lives or not.  The choice is all ours.  The ramifications are also reflected back to us in positive or negative consequences.  Christian, you and I need to die daily and experience God loving people in a myriad of ways.
     Recovery is almost always the sunshine after the storm.  The silver lining in the clouds.  The pearl of great price found in the field and of course understanding more how God carried us through the storm.  Recovery is also an action word.  Some Christians do nothing after they are through the storm.  Christian, your recovery isn't over until Jesus says it's over!  How about your input into family, friends and others who need you to be part of their recovery?  Do you portray a victorious life or won decimated by the storm?  Choosing to go through recovery is just as essential as going through the forecast and the experience.  Do whatever God directs your heart, mind and soul to do.  Just what is that?  Love the Lord with all your heart soul and mind.  It's always your choice. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Christians who are hot, cold and lukewarm

     I've rotated between the three for most of my Christian life. Maybe you do as well.  Most Christians seem to have that in common.  That doesn't mean that it's appropriate or what God wants.  He wants us to be hot all the time for His purpose and His plan.  People have different ideas of what each of the three are and sometimes in apathy or frustration do nothing...except cold.  There are so many different situations where we have the opportunity to so something or do nothing.  Jesus tells several churches that he wishes they were either hot or cold but they are lukewarm and not doing what they need to do.  This hot, cold and lukewarm situation is sometimes relegated to individual aspects of the Christian life.  Situations like prayer, service, worship, and the like.  When the world sees that we profess but not live what we preach, they see the hypocrisy in our lives and that's a turn off.  I've been on both ends of that one.  Failings aside, we still have the chance to return to God's plan A...hot. 
     Show me a church that is cold and I'll see a church that is dead.  The Holy Spirit has left the building.  There is no accountability to God, each other or the community that they are a part of.  The Gospel isn't being preached and they see no need.  Being a part of or member of this church is to be on the rolls and pay your tithe.  That's it.  Oh yeah, they will bury you for a fee!  Show me a church that is lukewarm and you will see the "fuzzies" where accommodation is the key message beside the message of everyone is okay.  The lukewarm church has compromised the Gospel to that place where they stand for little and tolerate what Jesus wouldn't tolerate.  The lukewarm church isn't much on personal involvement unless there is a liberal agenda.  Jesus wasn't a liberal.  Show me a church that is hot and you won't have to ask me twice to attend.  The hot church is full of the Holy Spirit and thriving.  They are inviting others to meet God instead of the same ole, same ole.  They are inviting others to meet Jesus instead of feeling that their works will save them.  The hot church has a mission designed and implemented by God and not man.  The prayers of the hot church "avail much" and are life changing.  The hot church is all about Jesus and not about the world.  Which one do you go to?  Which one do you belong?  Which one do you warn others to stay away from?
     As sinners we like to feel good, comfortable and just plain happy.  When we are in "sinner mode" we like the lukewarm church because we are never challenged.  When we are set in our sinful ways we want to be in the cold church because no one cares and you can hide.  When we are free from our sin (daily confession for me!), we seek out the believers who honor the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit both in public and private.  This may seem all good and well when we consider the whole.  When we stand before God we will have that moment when God says that our names are written in the Book of Life and we are invited into heaven for all of eternity.  There is also that moment when we stand before God and will we hear that our names aren't listed?  Because we are living now here on earth in the world, we need to be sure that we spend eternity in God's presence.  That begins when we meet the Savior and surrender our lives to him.  We become alive and from that moment on live eternally with God.  We are in His presence daily and because of that intimacy can approach God with all that he shows us.  Do you have this life?  Are you cold?  Are you lukewarm?  Are you hot?  It's a question that only you can answer.  What is your Christian life all about?  It's always your choice. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Seeing the unseen

    Watching out my back sliding door and seeing the trees moving though I can't hear anything or see anything that would cause the trees to be swaying.  Of course I know it's the wind that is making the trees dance.  The power of the wind varies from time to time from a gentle breeze to a force to be reckoned with.  Neither of which can we see.  We only see the effects of the wind.  Even the slanted rain tells about the winds degree of force.  The wind is only one thing we can't see but know is there.  Sometimes when I look at people I see Jesus in them though I don't actually see Jesus.  We see the results of their having Jesus living his life through them.  I've been found to say, "You are a Christian aren't you." on more than one occasion.  We see so much and don't look for what's important.  We see the past and have wild imaginings of the future.  Both distract from the present moment when Jesus wants us to see him.  Whether you go to a church building or not isn't indicative of whether you can see Jesus in others.  Whether you study the bible, go to home groups or whatever is on your schedule; there isn't an absolute that you will see Jesus there.  In order to see Jesus you first need to believe in the unseen hand of God in your own life. 
     I know a person who almost always first sees what is wrong with someone, something or someone's actions.  Jesus isn't wrong.  If you know someone like this they aren't seeing Jesus in you.  There are people who espouse so much Gospel and yet no one can see that Gospel in that person's life.  If you know someone like this they haven't the love of Jesus in them.  Jesus is consistent with the message that comes to us.  If we are supposed to be like Him, then others ought to be able to see Jesus in us.  I've had many people in my life over the years that have opened up and told me their life stories without even knowing their names.  It happens anywhere and everywhere.  People who are with me are either embarrassed or excited that people find it easy to talk with me.  Maybe they aren't talking with me.  Maybe they are talking to Jesus in me.  There are also many times in my life when those around me couldn't possibly see Jesus in me because my actions, words and works don't match the life of Jesus in me.  I've been guilty of that more than I'd like to admit.  What I'd like to do is have so much Jesus in me that there is no room for Steve.  When Jesus lives within us there is an attraction by others (or not in case of some) to Jesus because they trust and want Jesus themselves. 
     There have been times in my life when all I wanted was what I saw displayed in other's lives.  Maybe you have too.  Peace, love, acceptance, approval, and many other psychological and spiritual desires of my hear. The question bears asking of why I don't have these so that I don't need to have what someone else wants?  There are valleys in life that all of us go through even as there are mountain tops.  Knowing this we cannot live a life fully in Christ without Christ.  First things first, get right with God.  Then the mountain tops and valleys won't matter because it's not you facing them but Jesus facing them for you.  Like the wind on the trees or the power behind the waves, his life is moving and living through you.  Wishing and wanting won't get the job done.  Dying to self is what gets it done.  Giving up isn't giving in.  Giving up is allowing the blessings and victories that God has for us to be in our lives.  It is then that others can see Jesus living in and through us.  It's always your choice.  Choose well.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Why Jesus?

The issue

In light of the current mood to accept or at least to tolerate almost any expression of religious belief or practice as being “good”, the claim by most Christians that Jesus is the only person who can “save” anyone or bring anyone into God’s loving presence is severely criticized by many non- Christians. They feel that this claim is unreasonable, somewhat arrogant, and shows an attitude of disrespect toward other religions and their devoted followers. This may be your position in regard to Christians and those who claim that Jesus is humanity’s only savior.
The question “why Jesus?” is a fair and important question. Christians who make the claim that Jesus is the only “savior” for humanity should understand the basic reasons for such a claim, and non-Christians should consider the question in respect to their own personal relationship with Jesus as a person who has made a major impact in human life and the practice of religion throughout the world. So this brief statement will seek to answer this question in a logical way.

Our human situation

One’s view of our human situation, a personal understanding of the basic condition of all human beings, is a crucial factor in how anyone, Christian or non-Christian, answers this question of “why Jesus?”, why should Jesus be recognized as humanity’s only savior? It should be obvious to anyone that this world is not heaven, that the situation in which all of us humans find ourselves is not paradise. Individuals who do believe in god must admit that there is something “ungodly” about this world in which we live. There is something wrong with the human situation (see Romans 8:19–22). We humans do not seem to be living in the constant presence of a loving god. Something seems to be separating us from the blessings of this divine being. We seem to be living in the middle of a “battlefield”, which is not a good place to be.

Common human solutions

Many individuals today try to bridge this separation, to gain a sense of being “saved” or accepted into the blessed and loving presence of god even before they die, by persistently trying to follow the rules for the acceptable practice of their religion without any help from Jesus or even the consideration of this question regarding his importance. When they fail in regard to any of these rules, and we all do, they usually try harder the next time, or just conclude that their record of faithful compliance will outweigh the list of their failures. They continue to dismiss the question “why Jesus?” and conclude that there is no need for him to bring them into the personal presence of god or into heaven, because they can make it there on their own. They believe that they can get into the loving presence of god by their own sincere and persistent works of religious devotions, worship, and service.
Such religious individuals may believe that other moral teachers, prophets, and recognized leaders of multitudes of people have discovered the way to enter and to experience god’s blessed presence in our human situation, and all they or other human beings need to do is to live in accord with the teachings of their favorite prophet. These prophets include Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, and more modern teachers and philosophers like Rousseau (Age of Reason), Darwin, Freud, Marx, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Osama bin Laden, Deepak Chopra (New Age movement), Hugh Hefner, and others.
All such beliefs and their associated teachings that deny or reject or ignore the role of Jesus in bridging this gap of blessing between god and humanity are religions of works, systems of beliefs and doctrines and rituals that claim it is possible for human beings to enter into the presence of god and to be blessed by him through their own efforts.

The major problem with these solutions

The problem with these solutions is that they don’t recognize the severity of the cause for the separation between God and humanity that is responsible for the situation in which we humans find ourselves. The cause for this separation is not that we human beings are not religious enough to be accepted into God’s loving presence. The cause for this separation is that we human beings are, and have been from the early days of our existence, generally willful rebels against God. We human beings are individuals and villages and tribes and races and nations of people who have historically sought to claim the glory and the power and the pleasures of the gods by denying the authority of the one true God who is over us and refusing to acknowledge his loving care in the natural processes of this world (see Romans 1:18–23). Our attitude of rebellion against God is a much stronger cause for this separation that exists between us and God than is any inadequate religious efforts that we might make to enter into the presence of any god.
In efforts to appear to be religious and to enter into some god’s presence we have created our own gods, given them names that we have chosen, written down the rules and rituals that we have decided are reasonable for our religious activities, built temples in which to worship these gods, and promoted these religions with enthusiastic zeal and might throughout history.
The problem is that the God who reigns over our human situation, who determines who is going to be accepted into his loving presence, isn’t impressed by any of this religious activity. In fact he is offended by it! He considers it to be idolatry, the worship of false gods. The activities that are done in the name of our religions, and many of those that are done for our own benefit, are viewed by God as SIN, evidence of our continuous rebellion against him and his authority. It is this sin, this idolatry, this rebellious and arrogant claim for power and comfort and pleasure, and our skeptical approach to the question of “why Jesus?” that creates and sustains this separation between God and us humans.

God’s solution to the problem of separation

The God who created us humans for fellowship, to be in a relationship with him throughout eternity, recognized the futility of our religious efforts and our complete enslavement to SIN, and so he sent Jesus, a part of his own divine personhood, into the world to bridge the separation between him and humanity. Jesus was not sent into this world to condemn us humans for our sin, but to free us from the powerful effects of its attitudes of rebellion, pride, lusts for power and pleasure and glory that created and sustains our separation from God (see John 3:17).
In order to do this Jesus had to die. He had to pay the penalty for our sinful rebellion against God. In obedient surrender to God and love for us humans, Jesus willingly paid the penalty for our sin by allowing himself to be crucified on a cross (see Philippians 2:6–8, Ephesians 5:2; John 10:11–15; Colossians 1:19–22). That was really GOOD!
In his love for us this God, this one true God, only requires that we repent of our sin and believe in or trust Jesus, that he is God’s Son who was sent into the world to redeem us sinful rebels and to bring us back into God’s loving presence (see John 3:16 & 18).
The evidence that Jesus was able to do this, that he successfully completed his mission, and that his death on a cross pays the penalty for our sin is present in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. God physically raised Jesus from his tomb to give us proof that our separation from God and enslavement to sin and death has been ended by Jesus’ sacrificial death on the Cross (see Romans 1:4).

Summary answer to the question “Why Jesus?”

So why should anyone recognize that Jesus is humanity’s only savior, the only one who can bridge the separation that exists between God and us human rebels, the only person who can lead anyone into God’s loving presence? It is because Jesus is the only person who died to pay the penalty for our sinful rebellion. He is the only one whose victory over sin and death gives him the authority to usher any of us into God’s presence in this life or in the life to come (see Romans 3:21–26). No other prophet, moral teacher, religious leader, or influential author has done this! No one is religious enough, good enough, smart enough, or generous enough to enter into God’s holy and loving presence without being escorted by Jesus.
Jesus is humanity’s only savior not because of the wisdom of his teachings, or the beauty of his righteous life, or the extent of his influence, or the awesome power of his reported miracles, but only because of what he did for us in his death for our sins and his resurrection for our reunion with God.
Believing Christians who claim Jesus’ saving sacrifice and his personal role in their reunion with God should not boast about the superiority of Jesus as if it were some evidence for the superiority of their faithful belief in Jesus, because that faith is of itself a “gift” of God’s love. Any effort to enter God’s presence after one dies, or to experience his blessings of love and peace and joy and hope and forgiveness in this life is an exercise in futility without Jesus! Salvation and joy and a comfortable existence in God’s presence is only possible through Jesus. He is the only one that can transform sinful rebels into redeemed children of God (see Acts 4:10–12).

Friday, February 17, 2017

Belonging is nice...sometimes

     Sometimes...  Belonging with a group, individual or even family can have it's positive and negative sides.  Belonging costs you and I in a myriad of different ways.  Those too can be positive or negative.  Belongings has as it's center philosophy the needs and wants that everyone brings with them.  What about Christian belonging?  There are positives there and negatives as well.  Attitude and motive are defining of how the group you belong to is either positive or negative.  A Christ centered group (marriage, family, church family, even work) is certainly superior to any other choice as long as it IS Christ centered.  When we look at Scripture we see the model of a Christian belonging set in place by Jesus himself.  Sometimes I don't feel like belonging and I imagine you don't feel like belonging as well.  For the sake of this blog I'll try to concentrate on the personal belongings and leave political stuff alone.  I know, that'll be hard!  I'll also try to keep myself from wandering to much and being a distraction.
     Many years ago I visited a certain denominations church and was pleased with the sermon.  I went home and looked up their beliefs and never went back.  Their beliefs were outside Scripture.  As years went by I repeated visiting different denominations churches and then went home and discovered that many of them simply did not exist within the confines of Scripture.  The Bible says that through Christ we are set free.  These churches were holding people captive by their manipulation of Scripture for their purposes.  Wherever there is secrecy (expounding on what they believe) in masking what they believe, there are bound to be control issues.  Besides the secrecy and control, the element of manipulations is added and where once people found themselves liking the message, they found themselves repelled by those churches or they were embraced and slowly accepted the control and manipulation as well.  This isn't different for marriages, friendships, families, work environments or even government.  Wherever there is secrecy, control and manipulation, there you will find the enemy hard at work perverting the Gospel.  These were the same three elements the serpent brought to Eve in the garden and Adam after his conquest.  This system has served him well throughout eternity. 
     There is a saying that goes like this:  "If you love my yes but don't love my no, you don't love me."  Why is that? All of us are lives lived with yes and no according to our beliefs.  Sometimes people try to take away our no and love only our yes or agreement with them.  They don't love you, they love themselves.  Self seeking has no place in any group.  Loving people's yes and no means you are willing to accept that they, like you, are individuals.  We can let people believe differently as long as we don't fall prey to beliefs that we don't adhere to.  Disagreeing is as important as agreeing.  Without the two you have individuals and with the two you have a group.  If you or I were to only hold to our beliefs we would do so by measuring everyone and every group by our beliefs and not on Scripture alone.  IF we are dead to self and Christ lives through us then the basis of our belonging is the same with others as we belong to Christ.  Do you belong to Christ?  Do you belong to the world?  There is no other logical choice for those who would claim to be Christian.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Two years ago today...

     It seems like a longer time has passed but 2 years it is.  I had a heart attack.  I was taken to the hospital, admitted and then had double bypass surgery.  Recovery is still ongoing and will be until I physically die.  When I was first faced with the possibility that I might die, I freaked.  In a Christian way of course.  I cried out to God and anyone else who would listen.  The fire and medics took all of 5 minutes to get to my home and were extremely professional.  Little did I know but one of the top cardiologists just happened to be in the emergency room.  Staff was great and professional both in the ER and when I was transported to critical care.  I admit that it's taken me these 2 years to as fully as I can see how God's hand was in everything.  He never puts more on us than we can bear.  Further, the Bible states that ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to HIS purpose.  The variable in all of this was me and of course, my choices.  You can't even imagine how many people were alerted and my name and condition was put out to prayer chains, friends and family.  Incredible!  But then, that's one of the purposes of the Christian body.  I remember waking up from open heart surgery.  Yes, I woke up!  That alone should have made my day.  Waking up every day is something I am thankful for.  But, as Paul says, for me to die is to be present with the Lord.
     You and your circle don't need to have heart attacks to be alerted to all that has blessed you and them.  I know that I was thankful for life before mine but never really was serious about what the precious time on earth was for.  Priorities are examined and changed with life changing events.  My life has been full of life changing events.  Some have even been good!  They will happen to each and every one of us.  That's not the problem if we understand we are living in a fallen world.  The problem is what to do with our event.  What would you do if you had a heart attack right now?  Would you do anything? Would your life change dramatically for Jesus if you survived as I have survived?  I still sin and that's not okay but rather a fact of living in the world.  None of us is perfect.  I've known so many who have gone through very tragic events personally who after the event don't do anything differently.  They don't look at and alter their priorities.  They don't see to live a better more Christ centered life.  They don't look to mend relationships.  That's a shame because they were given another chance. Another day to live.  Another breath of air to be drawn in and a chance to make a difference in their world.
     Though I've lost a lot of weight, I'm still overweight.  Though I've a new scar down my chest, I'm still swimming when I want.  Children ask me about the scar often.  Though I've been cautioned about doing to much, I still do from time to time but take breaks from time to time.  My hold on my possessions has changed to letting them be Christ's possessions for His use.  "Things" aren't important in the larger scale if I use them for myself.  God gives us "things" to share with others.  Pettiness in relationships I have no time for anymore.  Time here on earth is valuable for my sharing my life and the Gospel.  Planning for the future is now focusing on doing what I can until he takes me home.  Knowing that those I know are saved is even more important than before.  Like I said, my priorities have changed because I'm changed.  Because I'm changed, my choices are more in line with Christ's choices.  And, as we all know, it's always our choice.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Do you ever feel like giving up?

     I do.  Sometimes I just feel battle weary and unable to go on.  Maybe you do as well.  It's not a very nice place to be and I try to not stay there for very long.  Usually when I feel this way I am reminded that I'm not to be the one who does battle.  That's the Lord's business.  He has he host of heaven available to fight the spiritual fight for me.  Yet, I still find myself battle weary from time to time.  It's times like that when I am most vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy either physically or spiritually.  Not wanting to succumb to the attacks I need to move to a place of protection where I can rest and recharge.  Jesus did.  So, why shouldn't I?  Everyone needs rest from time to time.  That's most evident when we are weary.  When we are physically weary we open up our immune system problems and illness may follow.  Depending on our response we may be physically sick and unable to do what's before us.  Did Jesus ever have the flu?  There are so many things going on in our worlds that can cause us to be weary.  The mother/father who are getting up every 2 hours for their newborn with the knowledge that one or both of them go to work in the morning.  The police or fire personnel who finish a hectic shift only to learn that they have an additional shift to work because someone is sick.  The student who has a heavy class load and is overwhelmed with homework, mid terms and finals.  The list goes on.  We are a people who get weary and feel like giving up.
     Over my life I can't even imagine how many times I've said, "I give up."  That's just what the enemy wants to hear.  That's the open door for his demons to ply their skills to take me down or to take me out.  There is the little part of my choice in this matter as well.  Paul talks about fighting the good fight and reaching the goal which is in Christ Jesus.  He was weary but didn't give up or give in.  So, why is it so difficult for you and I?  I can speak for myself but not for you.  For me, I try to take too much on and constantly have a "list" of projects, appointments, and other distractions that keep me going but not refreshed.  When I'm behind on my schedule I tend to push forward rather than to stop, pray and get things back on God's schedule.  It's not easy for me because of my type A personality.  Doing so requires discipline and the ability to let go and let God have my life...all of it.  "There are people who depend on me." is familiar to my thinking. "If I don't do it, it won't get done." also resonates in my thinking.  Neither are what God wants in my life.  He wants me to know and to acknowledge that except for his grace I wouldn't have a life at all.  It's He who makes the world go around.
     God's will and direction in my life is the best way.  It's his plan A for the Christian.  What would happen if we were to begin the day by giving it to him and not taking it back off the altar for us to take care of?  Would our world collapse?  Would things not get done?  Would our family and friends think we were nuts?  Perhaps.  Looking through the New Testament I read of many Christians who were following God on his plan.  They sought his will and then did it.  Quite simple.  Take a look at the life of Paul.  He appears to be constantly on the move for God.  We can also read of the time he took to not go anywhere for years.  There was rest for him

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Christians and the pity parties they have.

     It should go without saying that the Christian shouldn't have pity parties.  Pity parties are laments that were familiar through out the Psalm's as proclaimed by David.  So if you are having pity parties, you are in good company.  Not exactly something God wants but they are there none the less.  He's used to his children complaining about this and that.  We can bet that there is a central reason why Christians have pity parties.  Selfishness.  I want this, don't want that, it isn't fair and a myriad of other excuses for our selfishness.  James tells us that we ask and don't have because we ask for the wrong (selfish) reasons.  Pity parties have existed for eons and will no doubt continue till the Lord comes back.  Some people will even complain about that!  I'm not saying we shouldn't bring our complaints to God.  Complaints are sometimes another word for our valid concerns and desires that are God based.  We need to be attentive to the difference of wanting something God wants and wanting something that we want.  So, if you're asking God to give you the riches you deserve, you miss the point.  If you are befuddled why the televangelists are rich and you are not, you miss the point.  I begrudge no one for wanting success.  I've had my share of pity parties and yet, here I am asking you to understand that pity parties aren't Christian at all.
     When we have asked God to take over our dead lives and live through us, he promises that he will take care of our EVERY need.  Not some, no part of, and certainly he is able to pour his blessings from heaven so much that we won't be able to contain them.  Here is the first of many pitfalls we come into.  We tend to look at needs as defined by us rather than by God.  No, I don't need a specific brand of peanut butter or substitute.  Yes, I do need food.  No, I don't need a fancy vehicle when a 78 Chevy pickup will do just fine.  No, I don't need a job that pays $100k a year when making ends meet is accomplished by God.  It's a matter of perspective.  We can engage our wants or abandon them and let God care for our needs.  God can do the miraculous whenever and however he wants.  Our part is to accept what we are given by God and not complain.  If you have to much of something and want more, it's wrong.  If you have to much of something and don't share with those who don't have what they need, it's wrong.  If it's wrong, it's a sin.  If you are sinning then you shouldn't expect any help from God who sees, hears and knows everything.  So, in the midst of your pity party ask yourself whether or not you are really surrendering EVERY area of your life for His use.
     Here is a challenge.  Try to out give God.  Not just once or in one area of your life.  Try to out give God with every area of your life.  See what happens!  I'm sure that you will be surprised for to do so means to not be concerned about yourself.  After all, that's what God did when he sent his Son to live, die and resurrect so that you can have salvation.  God sacrificed it all.  He poured himself out so that we can have life and life eternal with him.  This isn't something usually preached from the pulpit.  It's not something the televangelists preach.  Nor is it something Christians parents, for the most part teach their children.  But here I am telling you a simple truth from the Gospel.  When you are born again you have at your disposal everything the Father offers.  He offers to take care of your EVERY need.  He's chosen you to be blessed and to bless others.  Remember, it's always your choice.  Choose wisely.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Is it really all about Jesus?

     I know that it should be.  But, what happens when we wake up?  Do the cares of the world, the pressures of work, family and church draw you into yourself or into Jesus?  I think that I've been on that path before.  If I remember right, it leads no where.  I went driving with my teenagers on Saturday.  My 16 year old turned onto a street and didn't know it was a dead end.  When we had gone the length of the road she was faced with turning around.  Not always easy on what we see as a one way road.  She, however, did get turned around and on we went.  That's what the Christian does.  We turn off of the straight and narrow and go down a road we think we want to travel and end up finding ourselves at the dead end eventually.  In the world we need to turn around, travel back down the road and get back on the main road.  In the Christian world we need to simply repent and we are back on the road again.  Quite different.  Why?  Because Jesus has traveled down that road with us and is right there when we choose to be on His road.  I like to think of my life in a plan A and plan B form.  Plan A is always with God and his best.  Plan B is where I think I can run a particular part of my life and leave Plan A.  When I get to the end of plan B and repent, God puts another plan A in front of me.  It's goal is always the same.  That goal is to be in Christ and not in the world. 
     Sometimes I seem to wake up not knowing that I've left plan A.  It's terrifying to say the least.  It's like going into a foreign city and getting lost.  I did that once.  I was trying to maneuver Chicago downtown streets and found myself lost.  Thinking (wrong thing to do) that I could find my way out I wandered and looked for a sigh to lead me out.  It was on the next corner that I decided to ask for help.  I stopped beside an elderly lady who stated "Boy, you are in the wrong part of town."  Tell me something I didn't know.  She was kind enough to give me simple directions (usually the best kind) and I was able to be on my way and in a safer place.  I later learned that I had landed myself in the midst of the most violent part of Chicago.  Opps!  That seems to be standard for many in their Christian life.  Outside of Christ we are subject to the violence and destruction of the enemy.  He presents a way which we think is taking us to our objective while all along we are being led into the most dangerous of situations...outside of God's plan A.  Sometimes we are so into "doing it by myself" that we miss the warning signs telling us to get out of Dodge!  Finding ourselves in that space as Christians is not good and we need only to call upon Jesus to get back to God's plan A.
     Years later I would find myself in the south end of Seattle on unfamiliar streets.  I recognized that I was in stage one of getting lost.  I surprised my rider by stopping and asking for directions and was back on track quite quickly.  My rider was shocked that a MAN would ask for directions.  I explained Chicago and it all made sense to them.  So, instead of being insensitive to the signs put before me that I am off track all I need to do is ask myself if my pride is so precious that I can't ask for directions.  Christians seem to think they can maneuver life without asking for directions.  They can't.  When they do so they are being the god of their own world dictating where the road leads and why it's best for them.  The Christian who recognizes the voice of the Holy Spirit talking to them is wiser by far. Because they have surrendered their pride they are able to accept and incorporate the leading of the Spirit.  In everyone's life it's either all about you or ALL about Jesus.  It's always your choice.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I sinned yesterday...and the day before...and

     It's true.  I cannot, nor will I, deny that I sinned.  God knows the truth anyway even if others don't.  By the way, so did you and you and you.  We all sinned yesterday.  Sometimes we are so acutely aware of our sinning that we just throw up our hands and say, "I'm not perfect, just forgiven."  You and I have said it and probably heard others say it as well. Let me be clear.  This doesn't give us permission to sin knowing that we have forgiveness.  For the Christian most of the sin we partake in is in one of two forms.  The first is the sin of commission.  That's where we know that we have the act before us and we do it anyway.  Then there is the second which is the sin of omission.  That's where we just don't do what God wants us to do when we know he's told us to do something.  Both of these sins fall on us daily.  So, why do we give into them and how did they become such huge monsters in our lives?  Absent mindedness set aside, why do we do that which we know we shouldn't and don't do that which we know that we should?  Paul laments this in his writings and goes on to call himself "the greatest of sinners."  Yet, his life made a remarkable difference then even as it does now.  Why was that?  Despite his sin, he daily "died to self" and "Christ lives in me".  This caveat is key to what I'm addressing today.
     There is no "evening the game" when it comes to sin.  We cannot do good to compensate for that which is wrong.  We are in the world but are called to not be of the world.  That means we are different and should act differently, think differently and guard our speech.  Should we do that we are half way there.  Should we let Jesus live through us (and I mean really live through us) we have a much better chance of victory over sin.  Being a Christian in this world is offensive to many.  It's not that we are purporting to be better than anyone.  Nor is it a statement that we have arrived while the rest are going down on the Titanic!  Yet, the push and pull is there and we acquiesce so as to not be offensive.  Not exactly what Jesus said we should be doing.  Jesus said we needed to proclaim loudly the Gospel and salvation through him to the world.  IF we let the world affect that directive, we are sinning.  See how quickly we go into sin in our daily living?  Sin is always right there before us.  If we don't let the Holy Spirit guard our hearts and minds, we haven't a chance of standing for Jesus.  If we stand for Jesus, the world will hate us...at least that's what the Bible says.  If you are a Christian and sinners love you; there is a need for you to question where your witness is...mine as well.
     Don't let the sin incapacitate your work for God.  Our state of being or condition sinful isn't a get out of witnessing card to be played when we want.   Nor are we disqualified because of our sin (past).  "Who are you to talk?" has been a statement I've heard many times.  Why?  Because I've told my story.  Even though I've fallen down more than most, I've gotten up more than most as well.  Not of my own power, will or discipline, but of the love of God lifting me out of my pig pen.  He's always right there, next to me, weeping with me, disagreeing with me, loving me and yes, forgiving me when I come to him and ask.  Jesus told us to ask, seek, and find.  What?  Salvation. Should you not know Christ, now is the time of salvation of your soul.  Should you know Christ but have fallen, now is the time of salvation.  Should you think you are above the rest, now is the time of salvation.  Salvation (according to the Bible) comes ONLY through Jesus Christ.  So, today I choose to be resurrected with Christ and to live for Christ.  I know, because I am human, that I won't have a perfect day.  I won't let that stop me from telling the love of Christ to others.  What will you do?  It's always your choice.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Trinity

The reason for a Christian doctrine on the Trinity

Most Christians believe that God exists with three distinct personal identities, Father,Son, and the Spirit yet God is one in the basic essence of his divine being. Although this belief is difficult to understand and hard to explain, Christians generally hold to this doctrine because the inspired writers of the biblical records of God’s revelation referred to various divine activities as coming from either the “Father”, the “Son”, or the “Spirit”.
One of the clearest biblical examples of such activity is Matthew’s account of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist as Jesus prepared to launch his ministry among the Israelites in ancient Judea and Galilee. Jesus presented himself to John in order to be baptized in the Jordan river, and Matthew reports the event from Jesus’ perspective with these words: “And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he (Jesus) went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’” (Matthew 3:16–17)1 Here we see the simultaneous activity of these three distinct persons; Jesus, the Son who was baptized, the Spirit who descended upon him, and the Father who praised him.
In some of his final instructions to his disciples before he would be arrested and crucified and eventually leave them, Jesus indicated to them that he would be sending them “the Counselor”, the “Spirit of truth”, who would come “from the Father ” (John 15:26)2 So Jesus, according to the apostle John, acknowledges the existence of these distinct persons, aside from himself, who were engaged in God’s various activities in the world.
And these distinct persons have been active in God’s work from the very beginning. Moses refers to the “Spirit of God” who was “hovering over the waters” as God created the “heavens and the earth”. (Genesis 1:1–2)3 Paul refers to these distinct persons in his words of thanksgiving for the work of “God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” and the love of fellow believers “in the Spirit” and “the kingdom of his beloved Son” in his letter to the Colossians. He even indicates that Jesus Christ “is the image of the invisible God…by” whom “all things were created”. (See Colossians 1:3–16)4 The apostle John gives a great testimony regarding the distinct activities of “God,” “the Father,” “the Spirit,” and Jesus “the Son” in his introduction to his gospel record of Jesus’ life and ministry. (See John 1:1–34)5

A simple example of triune identity for a single individual

A man can be known, identified, acknowledged, received, or greeted as a son, a husband, and a father by different individuals all at the same time as they refer to the same individual. It is obvious from this example that this triune identity of a single individual has to do with the individual’s relationships with other individuals. And it should be evident from this example that there is a mutual and special bond that joins the individuals who use these terms in reference to one man to each other in a relationship that is very personal and special. This bond is one of blood and commitment, sharing one’s resources and treasures with each other in love and thanksgiving. The man and each of the individuals who relate to him in different ways each have their own personal roles and responsibilities and gifts to implement with each other in their relationship, but the identity of the man is always bigger than any of the particular roles, responsibilities, or activities that he does with those to whom he is related.

The importance of believing in the Trinity

The belief that one God, a single divine being, exists and functions as three separate persons makes it reasonable for us weak, mortal, rebellious human beings to hope for any personal relationship with such an awesome being. To acknowledge and to even superficially understand that God exists as Father, Son, and Spirit means that at the center of this divine being is a quality of relationships that includes other persons, and therefore might include us.
This is not to imply that God has to have a relationship with any of us in order to be complete, because he was and is complete in his triune nature apart from our creation or his ongoing relationship with us human beings. So belief in this doctrine of the Trinity, that God exists as a single divine being in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit provides any of us with a reasonable basis for any hope of a personal relationship with him.

The expression of God’s triune personalities in his relationship with us

I’ll make this brief, but hundreds of books have been written about each of these expressions or activities of God and thousands of sermons have been preached to explain and to emphasize their importance. Some of the statements on this website comment on some of these matters and activities regarding God and his work with us humans in this world. I invite you to read them for further information.
In the person of the Father, God gathers everything in heaven and earth, in all of his creation, unto himself. The Father is the great provider throughout the total universe and for all time, through eternity. The Father is the source of one’s “daily bread”, for which Jesus taught his disciples to pray (see Matthew 6:11)6, and he sends “rain on the righteous and the unrighteous”. (Matthew 5:45)7 Everything that is really GOOD in this world in all of our experiences and relationships comes from the Father.
In the person of the Father, God is the great lover of every being with whom he is related. His love is extended to his Son and to the Spirit, to his created angels and special heavenly beings, and to his redeemed human children. We can love and live in relationships of love, because God as the Father is love!
Because of his love, the Father sent the Son, Jesus, into the world to carry out a special work of redeeming human rebels from their sins so that they could be brought into a personal relationship with the holy and almighty being of God, their creator. And the Father and the Son sent the Spirit into the world to implement and to continue God’s works of loving and providential care for his children and to convict people in the world in regard to the matters of “sin and righteousness and judgment”. (John 16:8)8
In the person of the Son, whose name is Jesus, God implemented and completed his special work to redeem rebellious human sinners back to the Father. Jesus, the Son, did this by coming to earth, being born as a human infant to his virgin mother, Mary, and living and working among humans in Palestine, where he taught crowds of interested followers and educated Jewish lawyers and teachers some new lessons about the eternal and heavenly kingdom of God and God’s requirements for entrance into it. As the Son of God, Jesus paid God’s price for the redemption of human sinners by allowing himself to be crucified on a Roman cross outside of the walls of Jerusalem, where he accepted the sins of all humanity in his shed blood and broken body, dying in a very painful and shameful way. This Son of God, Jesus, was buried in a tomb, but after three days the Son physically arose from the dead, left the tomb, and over the course of the next forty days completed the mission that God, the Father, had sent him to earth to accomplish. He was physically seen by hundreds of other human beings who carefully examined him, ate food with him, walked around with him, and listened to him as he further explained their particular roles in God’s ongoing work of redemption in the world. And after forty days of such activities, the Son returned to the Father, ascending up into “heaven” (Acts 1:9–10)9, as seen by his disciples and acknowledged by “two men…in white robes” (angelic messengers from heaven).
But even before he was crucified, Jesus, as the Son, explained to a small group of his disciples that he would send another person from God to be with them and to implement them and to empower them in their ongoing relationship with him and with the Father. (See John 14:15-17, 25-26, 15:26, and 16:13-15 for his words of introduction to this person.)10 This person was the Spirit, who descended upon these disciples and their enlarged gathering of committed followers of Jesus ten days later, on “the day of Pentecost” “in Jerusalem” (Acts 2:1–5)11. And the Spirit empowered Peter to preach an inspiring message about God’s glorious authority and power that was demonstrated in Jesus, which led to the redeeming change of “about three thousands souls” (Acts 2:14–41)12 that day. This event marks the beginning of Christianity, which is all about human beings living in relationships with God, the Father, in accord with their faith in Jesus, the Son, through the transforming power of the Spirit. And it is this person from the triune being of God, this Spirit, who continues to empower and to change and to bring rebellious sinners into a personal relationship with God and to instruct them in how to live lives of trust and faithful service in their personal relationships with God.
So it is through the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, that human beings can experience a personal relationship with the divine one being of God. It is reasonable to accept this doctrine of the Trinity and this brief explanation of how God does his work of redemption through these persons without trying to explain the triune nature of God's unified being in logical details.