Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Very few will be chosen. Why?

     Complacency is at the top of the list.  We may have given our lives (at least parts of them) to Jesus but we certainly don't exercise our faith according to His mission.  Complacency is where a lot of problems arise.  Complacency is a space where the mind is satisfied, not bothered and rarely stirs from it's place in life.  Complacency is brought on by boredom or the feeling that there isn't more to life than what is being lived right now.  Complacency is complicated by the thought that "someone else will do it."  Hardly the case in Jesus' day.  Definitely the case today.  We seem to get excited about the worldly things more than we do about Jesus.  Take for instance the Christian program on TV and radio.  There is a definite aversion/love affair with them.  Neither will take you where Jesus wants you to go.  I turned into one of my favorite Christian radio stations where I lived only to find that fund raising had taken the upper place of importance that day.  So, I tuned to my second favorite and they were busy with their program of soliciting people to send in their kids costumes and "the scarier the better."  What!?  It's no wonder that the Christian world is so off center.  So, to take care of my need at he moment to have music fellowship with God (and I had a long trip ahead of me) I sang hymns and other Christian songs. 
     Besides complacency, there are Christians who "do the Christian thing" in order to have an excuse for their non-Christian friends and then turn around and use those same friends to have an excuse to not do the Christian thing.  Hypocrisy has reached epidemic levels not seen ever in the history of mankind.  Those who play his game have chosen to play with a very hot fire!  Perhaps you are one of them?  I know that I have been.  Whenever we take it upon ourselves to "pose" (as my 16 year old daughter would say), no one is fooled.  You aren't honoring Jesus and if that is true you are honoring Satan and his plan.  Hypocrisy is hated in almost every area of life.  Whether you are a criminal or high powered attorney, a politician or a game player, the results of the hypocritical behavior will come o an end.  Sometimes sooner than later.  I've been that hypocrite that takes off his wedding ring when the chance to be with someone else surfaces.  I'm not proud of that at all.  I merely use my failures to make a point.  Whether we preach against or for anything, our preaching had better be centered on Jesus Christ and him crucified for me, you and those around us.  You've done it and perhaps are still doing it.  What's your rationalization and justification for your sin?  I have none for mine. 
     The third reason few will be chosen is because they aren't seeking.  They may have a feel good gospel that they would rather serve.  They may want the title Christian but not the freedom it gives choosing rather to be enslaved with all that the world ensnares us with.  Whatever the reason, they don't seek the Lord as primary in their lives.  They don't care about those who are perishing and perhaps are perishing themselves.  They may believe the lie that when they were baptized at birth they were forever saved.  Nope.  They may believe that they can be both a Christian and follow the worlds way of living.  Nope.  They may even have a group that feels the same way.  Somehow taking someone to heaven is a much better option than taking them to hell with you.  Yet, they don't seek that which would save.  Worse yet, they don't seek what the Lord wants in their lives.  Even worse than that they have no heart, no desire, and no vision.  Without a vision the people perish is what the Word says.  We all have the choice to have our vision provided by Satan and the world or Jesus and the Word.  It's always your choice.

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