Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Somehow my life has to matter. Do you feel the same?

     Does what we think, say and do really matter to those around us?  That's not the question.  Does what we think, say and do really matter to God?  That's the question.  The simple answer is "Yes." but the question is more complex than that.  For us, we rationalize and justify our thoughts, what we say and what we do so that we don't have the comparison of those thoughts, actions and words that don't glorify God.  For every choice we make there are consequences that come about.  There are only two consequences:  positive and negative.  Both are choices in every thought, word and deed.  They are also present in the absence of what we didn't think, say or do.  We live in a society that is "me" centered and you come later if you enter into the equation at all.  The consequences of that is our social morals degenerating, our spiritual life stagnating and our children being raised to do the very same thing.  The negative far outweighs the positive in this scenario.  When we look back over the years, decades and more it's plain to see this having taken place, is taking place, and will be taking place in the future.  BUT we have a choice to turn our lives into the positive consequence by doing what is right, saying what is right and thinking what  is right in the eyes of God. 
     Our churches preach prosperity gospels which are contrary to Scripture.  Many TV evangelists are raking in more money than many of the millionaires around the world.  Speaking fees, book royalties, luxury homes and chauffer driven limos all speak of the "me" world.  I'm not advocating taking vows of poverty.  Nor am I talking about keeping what you earn.  What I'm talking about is comparing what people are thinking, doing and saying with the Word of God.  We who call ourselves Christian must examine OUR house and put it right.  If others want to choose self over God, that's their choice.  The Word says that we know what is right to do and when we do not do that, we sin. James 4:17.  How much of our waking time is spent contemplating where our present moment is "me" centered or "God" centered?  Do we really have a concept of right and wrong?  Is that concept "me" or "God" centered.  When things go right do we claim the responsibility only to blame elsewhere when things go wrong?  Millions of people "think" they are doing the will of God but haven't given all of their lives to him.  The Word clearly states that we cannot please man and God.  If we please man we are not pleasing God and if we are pleasing God, we are not pleasing man.  You cannot have one foot in each world.
     The Christian church is said to be the only army in the world who attacks their own or abandons their wounded.  Unfortunately this is truer than we want to admit.  When this happens to a brother and or a sister in Christ, do we look the other way or do we stand up for Christ?  Do we deify pastoral leadership and other "spiritual" believers (in themselves) only to find they too have the same basis as people.  We are all sinners and have fallen  prey to sin daily.  That's why Paul said he needed to "die daily to self" in order to know and do the will of God.  What is it that matters to God.  David penned "to have a broken and contrite heart."  Jesus said, "even as you do it to the least of these you do it unto me".  Do we "do" life for the least of these from a mindset that we ONLY want to do what God wills for us to do?  Do we have a broken and contrite heart to be renewed with the Holy Spirit?  Do our lives matter.  If you know that your Christian life is what Jesus would be saying "well done thou good and faithful servant", then your life matters and so does mine.  When we choose to live out the sin of our "me" world, then your and my lives don't matter...  Ponder that. 
     Choosing daily to die to self, letting God direct and focus your life, and being bold with your testimony of the goodness and mercy of God are all that is required daily.  Don't worry about tomorrow.  We have enough to deal with today.  So, it's always your choice.  What do you choose?  Serve Jesus or serve self?  They both have the consequence of a life that matters and one that doesn't.  It's your choice.

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