Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Funny stuff that happens in my life.

     I have my son's Boston Terrier (terror) living in my house.  She's cute as a button and very lovable.  She also has only two speeds: asleep and full speed ahead.  Sometimes those get her into trouble.  I like to throw the ball in my back yard. Inevitably she will catch up with the ball and try to grab the ball and stop but ends up doing somersaults as her rear end doesn't stop!  It's funny to watch.  She runs so fast that she seems suspended above the ground.  One day we were coming into the house from the garage.  There is a door that leads into and through the laundry room.  There is a door at the other end that is usually open into the main house.  Today it wasn't open.  When I opened the door she (always has to be first) rushes into the dark laundry room.  The next sound I hear is "Boom!" as she ran head first into the closed door!  I laughed so hard that it brought tears to my eyes!  Then I reflected on the incident for many days to come.  Sometimes I even just say out loud "Boom" just to get myself laughing again.  Then God said, "That's what you do."  Ouch!  But as usual, God is right and it is what I do.  Full of myself I rush into what I think is the right thing to think, do or say and run full speed into a closed door.  Thinking themselves to be wise they proved themselves to be fools.  Yep, that's been me many times.
     When my son, Benjamen, was 4 years old we were sitting on the couch watching a kids show together.  He couldn't get any closer to me and was cuddled under my armpit.  I could tell he was really thinking and contemplating something.  So, I waited.  After a few minutes he said, "Dad?" "Yes, Benjamen."  "You know what I want to do when I grow up?"  I have had many different vocations and had talked with him about many of them.  He knew that I had enjoyed and done a lot of different things in my life.  So, I wondered what he had in mind.  I said, "No, what?"  He said, "I want to do everything."  He was so serious I knew he would at least try to do everything.  I told him, "You go and do everything.  I'll be right there with you."  Today he is beginning his "everything" and doing well.  When I became a Christian I asked God to use me wherever and whenever.  He's done so.  I've had 16 different vocations.  All but a couple were His choice for me.  When whatever mission God had me do in that vocation was complete or at least my part complete, he would move me onto the next vocation.  We need to be ready in and out of season to give account for the hope that is within us.  Life is on purpose and not an accident.  Go forth and make disciples of all mankind.
     While a police officer in the San Francisco Bay Area I was on midnight shift more than not.  I liked midnights.  Everything was well defined on midnights.  If you were out after 10:30 when I hit the streets you were assumed to be a bad guy.  Most were.  There were no politics ongoing as the Lt's, Captain and the chief had gone home with all the rest of the politicians.  We were the people who's feet met the road.  Though there were many serious moments in my career, there were also many funny ones.  Some of the funny stuff involved others and some was just me.  One morning after a particularly busy and difficult night (10 hour shifts) I decided to sit on a main road with radar and just slow people down.  Just being a presence would make a difference.  So, I pulled to the side of the road, shut off the car, put the radar gun to the outside review mirror and waited.  Suddenly my radio squawked and I was aware that I had been awakened!  Horror!  I don't even care to know how many people came by and saw me fast asleep in my car, radar gun stuck out the window and no one home!  I did the only thing I could, I started the car and got out of there!  Fortunately no one from the department was there to give me a bad time or to discipline me.  Be vigilant, the enemy goes about the earth seeking whom he may devour.  Be about the business of the Lord for no one knows the day or hour that he will return.  Be found doing the will of the Lord. 
     We can learn from pretty much all of the events that take place in our lives.  These events remind us we are human and to see others as human.  These events show us that we are fallible and not able to do everything.  These events encourage us to see that we are not to be alone in this world but to associate with other Christians.  Maybe I'll write a book about all the funny stuff.  I don't see many of them on the market.  Probably won't make the news or be on YouTube.  But that's not the purpose of my life.  God has me here, writing this blog and being on different social media sites to help and to bring hope.  That's what it's all about.  It was, is and will ever be my choice because He chose me.  It's your choice too!

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